EARLI 2017

I am happy and honoured to have been able to present work from my Knowing Bodies project at the EARLI 2017 Conference in Tampere, Finland. This is the most important conference on education in Europe. 

I am happy and honoured to have been able to present work from my Knowing Bodies project at the EARLI 2017 Conference in Tampere, Finland. This is the most important conference on education in Europe. 

I had three contributions: 

  • A paper at a paper sessions on the topic Educational Theory: Jornet, A. (2017). Reading dramatically: Affect and intellect in primary school from the lenses of perezhivanie.
  • A paper at an organised symposium on the topic "Teacher's reflection as a collaborative process": Jornet, A. (2017). Reflection as primarily social: A Vygotskian perspective. 
  • Co-organised together with my colleague from the University of Oslo, Crina Damsa, an invited symposium for the SIG 17 Methods in Learning Research on the topic, "The Unit of Analysis in Learning Research: Approaches for imagining a transformative research agenda" 
Published Sep. 6, 2017 9:57 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2017 9:57 PM