ISCAR 2017

I am happy and honoured to have been able to present part of my work in the Knowing Bodies at the ISCAR 2017 congress, the most important venue to international research on cultural-historical theory. 

I am happy and honoured to have been able to present part of my work in the Knowing Bodies at the ISCAR 2017 congress, the most important venue to international research on cultural-historical theory, which was held in Quebec city, Canada. 

I had two contributions in the congress, in two sessions co-organized together with my colleague from the University of Sherbrooke Patricia Dionne: 

- Roundtable: The motivating sphere of consciousness: Vygotskian conceptualisations of the individual subject in contemporary CHAT research. The roundtable brought together such great scholars as Anna Stetsenko, Beth Ferholt, and Frédéric Saussez.


The other contribution was a paper at the related symposium, "The motivating sphere of consciousness in/as praxis: empirical studies", where I presented the following work:

Jornet, A., & Roth, W-M. (2017): Psychogenic dimensions of drama in arts-based education.

Published Sep. 6, 2017 8:35 PM - Last modified Sep. 6, 2017 8:35 PM