Grig - Guild for mixed reality integrators & generators (completed)


In GRIG, InterMedia works with project partners on two aspects:
1) online research 'rhetorics' and mediation of mixed reality arts in an interdisciplinary European level project via wiki-based technologies
2) practice-based arts research into mixed reality arts as a domain of digital design and artistic expression and the roles of participants and publics therein.

Generating inspiring and playful situations in this reality requires skills from a variety of artistic, technological and scientific disciplines. For several years the gRig partners have worked together, exchanging information and resources; in European projects, informal networks and symposia, working towards a sustainable and extendible conceptual, organisational and technological support structure for artistic expression in hybrid realities. With gRig we formalise our collaboration over a longer time-span, strengthening the bonds between the partners through a joint research, production and presentation programme.

Theory and methods

Practice-based methods now well-established in the domain of art, design - and especially electronic art - are applied. As a part of research into digital design that is part of InterMedia, we refer to participatory and iterative methods in a wider emergent and ecological design process.



The Interactive Institute (Performing Pictures)



Time's Up

Funding and timeframe

gRIG is funded by the EU Culture 2000 Programme. The project leader is Maja Kuzmanovic of in Belgium.

Timeframe: 2006-2009


The project will produce three mixed reality art works, a multi-partner process-driven website, mixed modes of academic publishing and formal articles and chapters. The intention is to also collaborate on publications and build knowledge across sub-projects and varying practices and conceptual frames.
Publications & presentations:

Morrison, A., Andersson, G., Brečević, R. & Skjulstad, S. (forthcoming 2009). 'Disquiet in the plasma'. Digital Creativity.

Hastings, P. & Morrison A. (2008). 'Mobile art'. Research by Design. An international research seminar. Oslo School of Architecture and design (AHO). 4 December.

Morrison, A. (2008). PhD Classes on research by design, mixed reality arts and research rhetoric; Co-coordination of PhD Theme Course Research Challenges, Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO). Fall semster 2008.

Morrison, A. & Sem, I. (2008). 'Stretching multiliteracies: production-based education & 'new media'. Digital Kompetanse/Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. October.

Sem, I., Skjulstad, S. & Morrison, A. (2008). Working the Web. Workshop on web design, mediation and mixed reality arts. KIBLA, Maribor: Slovenia. 12-16 May.

Kuzmanovic, M. (in press). 'Triggers are for guns; reality is continuous'. In Morrison, A. (Ed.) Inside Multimodal Composition. Hampton Press: Cresskill.

Morrison, A. Sem, I. & Havnør, M. (in press). 'Behind the wallpaper: performativity in mixed reality arts'. In Morrison, A. (Ed.) Inside Multimodal Composition. Hampton Press: Cresskill.

Morrison, A. & Westvang, E. (in press). 'Designing for actionable interpretations: reactive and responsive artifacts in discourses of multimodal embodiment'. In Morrison, A. (Ed.) Inside Multimodal Composition. Hampton Press: Cresskill.

Participation & related outputs

- Visit to KIBLA by InterMedia researchers on modes of working collaborative, web mediation, documentation, website design, discussions on communication and dissemination strategies

- WIKID project site, InterMedia was commissioned by the Research Council of Norway to develop a multimodal and innovative online means of representing research in the closing conference for large national research programme KIM. This was only possible due to the innovation in the multimodal and experimental Grig site development and experience

- formal links with Mobile Misuse project (Fullbright visitor based at InterMedia, Pattie Belle Hastings)

- inputs by InterMedia on mixed reality arts to collaborative interdisciplinary digital design book, Digital Design Strategic programme at University of Oslo, with Informatics and Media departments

- inputs to international research seminar on Research by Design, Oslo School of Architecture and design (AHO), Norway, November 2008

- Project co-ordinator's visit to InterMedia, December 2008, included content meetings on Alternative Reality Gaming by foam on Groworld and InterMedia on mobile fiction, NarraHand.

- Development of NarraHand, mobile GPS fiction with Africans in Oslo, co-design, programming and test use, platform established in 2008 for multiples uses, and potential in Grig.
In progress:

- article on online project based research mediation (in progress)

- conference paper on mixed relaity installations

- local networking on mixed reality arts is being established.

Published Sep. 16, 2010 8:57 AM - Last modified June 4, 2020 1:02 PM


Project leader Andrew Morrison


  • Idunn Sem University of Oslo
  • Lars Lomell University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants