The ICT influence on language choice in Tanzanian Academia (PhD project) (completed)

In this study Torill Aagot Halvorsen addresses participation of Tanzanian higher education in the ICT – era.

About the project

Halvorsens fieldwork is conducted at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM). The project reflects on whether UDSM staff and students regard themselves as participants in and contributors to a knowledge society. Academic and scholarly production of Kiswahili internet content is of great significance and the project focuses on the implications of using Kiswahili as the ICT language. The investigation considers whether participation conducted in Kiswahili in the ICT era is inhibited and undermined by remnants from the colonial system. By using concepts of humiliation, misconception and false consciousness the project examines this theme more closely. Initial findings suggest that there are destructive tendencies within the Tanzanian educational system. Her dissertation builds on fieldwork conducted at the UDSM at various periods in 2006 (pilot), 2008, 2009 and 2010 embedded in the research project “ICT-Language in Tanzanian Higher Education”.

Research category

Basic Research


Published Oct. 5, 2010 10:54 AM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2014 4:31 PM


Torill Aagot Halvorsen


+47-22854250 (fax)


  • Torill Aagot Halvorsen University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants