Enhancing second-language learning in young language minority students: an intervention study in early elementary school years (PhD project) (completed)

In this project we examine the effect of oral and receptive language training in young language minority students in first and second grade.

About the project

The project aim is to shed light on how structured and specific language instruction in combination with visual material can enhance language skills for children learning a second language. There is a virtual consensus regarding the influence of language in relation to learning, and how it predicts later reading comprehension skills. Thus, emphasizing the importance and role of adequate language skills to prevent later literacy failure. Within a Norwegian context, there exist few studies to date that have evaluated an intervention program in elementary school targeting language skills.


Basic research

Published May 9, 2016 2:13 PM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2022 10:37 PM


Mia Cecilie Heller




  • Mia Cecilie Heller University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants