KIFF: Kunnskapsbasert IF (completed)

About the project

KIFF (Kunnskapsbaserte IF/knowledge-based insurance company) consists of sub projects: 1) Blended learning and 2) Long-distance leadership, two aspects of integrating technology support and collaboration strategy for leaders in a finance company.


  • Blended learning: It is the combination of conventional face-to-face learning with computer-supported learning. What effect has blended learning on the cross-cultural collaborative learning of employees in a multinational enterprise is the main question we ask
  • Long-distance leadership: When the leader is geographically and physically remote from her employees, and has responsibility for human resources, how will this separation in place and time influence communication patterns and leadership practices is the main question we investigate.

Theory and methods

Qualitative methods using interview, in-depth study of relevant documents, and
observation as the data collection techniques.


This is a pilot project carried out between InterMedia and a Nordic multinational enterprise
in the insurance business.

Funding and timeframe

Funded by: Småforsk(UiO)

Timeframe: 2008-2009


An understanding of blended learning and long-distance leadership in the company and compared with other studies and reported in two master theses.


1. Kudrik, Y, Lahn, L.C. and Mørch, A.I. (2009). A Case Study of Blended Learning in a Nordic Insurance Company: Three Issues for E-learning. To be presented at 2nd Int'l Conf. on E-learning in the Workplace, Teachers College, Columbia University, New York, June 10-12, 2009 (PDF)

Masters theses and reports

1. Heiene, K. (2009). Kommunikasjon og IKT-verktøy i langdistanseledelse: Case - nordisk forsikringsselskap. Masteroppgave, TOOL, Inst. for informatikk, Universitetet i Oslo, 05/09 (DUO)
2. Kudrik, Y. (2009). A Case Study of Blended Learning in a Nordic Insurance Company
Four issues for E-learning in the Workplace. Master thesis, Faculty of Education, University of Oslo, 05/09 (DUO)


Presentation at ICELW-09 on June 12, 2009 (PDF)

Presentation by Karin on June 17, 2009 (PDF)

Published Sep. 16, 2010 8:58 AM - Last modified Mar. 27, 2020 12:15 PM


Project leader Anders Mørch


  • Anders Mørch University of Oslo
  • Karin Helene Johansen University of Oslo
  • Yulia Kudrik University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants