On becoming a clinical teacher (PhD project) (completed)

Exploring how medical doctors develop as teachers in higher education.

About the project

The project with the working title ”On becoming a clincial teacher” is run by ph.d candidate Monika Kvernenes. In the project, university teachers’ understanding of their teaching is explored, using medical teachers as a case. The project also focuses on changes and development amongst medical teachers.


The project seeks to shed light on:
a) how medical teachers experience and understand bedside teaching in qualitatively different ways
b) what changes medical teachers go through, in ways of understanding and practicing teaching, in an informal learning perspective
c) what motivates change and development among medical teachers


Selected preliminary findings are reported in Changes in Conception of Bedside Teaching – Two Examples of Workplace Learning. Paper presented at ICED Conference, Barcelona; 2010-06-28


Qualitative research interviews and observations of teaching data are used in the analysis. Findings will be reported as two sets of analysis – one phenomenographic analysis of understandings of bedside teaching as perceived by the medical teachers, and one case study where a selection of medical teachers are analysed more closely to understand their development and learning as university teachers.


Published Oct. 4, 2010 10:07 AM - Last modified Nov. 19, 2014 4:22 PM


Monika Kvernenes




  • Monika Kvernenes University of Oslo
Detailed list of participants