L3D - Second Life (completed)

A one-year exploratory pilot study investigating the potential of 3D worlds, Second Life in particular, to serve as platform for distributed collaborative learning through social interaction, simulation of different learning settings, and collaborative design.

About the project

3D worlds provide new means for applying pedagogical knowledge to design computer-supported learning environments that is different from concept-based and instructional motivated e-learning. 3D worlds like Second Life add two dimensions to conventional e-learning that empowers the active learner: Social interaction and collaborative design. These are important components in the learning process as seen from a sociocultural perspective. A better (but not optimal according to us) term for e-learning from this perspective is E-learning 2.0


The pre-project has three objectives : 

1. Survey international research and collect Norwegian project experiences in the use of 3D worlds to support communication, development and learning.   

2. Carry out a pilot study to assess the feasibility to use  Second Life as plattform for integrating support for individual learning and social learning.  

3. Write a full proposal for a research project that will run over 3-4 years and provide financial support for 2 PhD positions 2 post.doc positions.

Theory and methods

We will collect data from the experiments carried out in the pilot study. THis will be done by the research institutions involved. Virtual ethnography is one method we plan to use. Conventional data collection methods such as interviewing and data logging will also be employed. We will furthermore include design methods in the experiments, such as collaborative design and end-user development. This will support collaborative knowledge construction among the partners.


  • Direktoratet for forvaltning og IKT (DIFI)

  • Domstoladministrasjonen

  • Forsvarets Forskningsinstitutt

  • Forsvarets Høgskole 

  • Försvarsmaktens ADL-enhet (Sverige) 

  • Informasjons- og medievitenskap, Universitetet i Bergen 

  • InterMedia, Universitetet i Oslo

  • Tabulator

  • Universitetssykehuset i Nord-Norge   

Funding and timeframe

Funded by:

Time frame: 2010-2011


A model of Akershus Fortress, Oslo in Second Life. The location (SLURL address) is: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Akershus%20Fortress/128/128/42

Lessons learned based on carrying out experiments ranging from informal to formal pedagogical designs: 

  1. Conventional teaching with slides and audience for discussion
  2. Role playing (summary in Norwegian)
  3. Simulation
  4. Collaborative design

Papers and reports


Ludvigsen, K. (2011). L3D: Læring, kommunikasjon og brobygging i en 3D verden på Internett. Oppsummering av tidligere forskning (In Norwegian) (PDF).

Other publications

Laake, M. & Aune, C.A. (2010). Professorer og studenter går online: Undervisning i Second Life. Pedagogisk Profil, Nr. 3, 2010, s. 12-15. (In Norwegian) URL


More to come

Published Sep. 21, 2010 12:30 PM - Last modified July 30, 2015 12:32 PM


Project leader: Anders Mørch


  • Ingvill Thomassen University of Oslo
  • Anders Mørch University of Oslo
  • Ingvill Tomassen
Detailed list of participants