Engagement in Collaborative Learning and Coaching

The Sustainable Coaching and Adaptive Learning for Education (SCALE) model is a new hybrid approach to professional learning designed to scale research-based instructional practices.

Image may contain: Trousers, Jeans, Table, Whiteboard, Chair.

Illustration photo: Unsplash

About the project

With support from the US Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant (CLSD), Reading Ways (a private US-based company) has been implementing the SCALE model in 8 Ohio schools.  The  CLSD  grant support for this work has been for implementation, not research. The  Engagement in Collaborative Learning and  Coaching Research Project analyzes the data coming from this project to add to the scientific literature on teacher learning and organizational change. The long-term goal of this work is to connect data from teacher professional learning, with the change of instructional behavior, and student outcomes.

Preliminary questions that we might ask are related to teachers’ engagement on the online learning platform. Specifically, we want to investigate:

  1. Differences between and across teachers and sites
  2. The relation between teachers’ engagement and that of their respective coaches (site leaders)
  3. The classroom strategies that are viewed and downloaded the most by different content area teachers

The two main phases of this preliminary work will be data extraction and data analysis.  In the data extraction phase, we will create a codebook for the data produced on the website.

This data is related to the users’ behavior and the resources with which they interact. Some examples of such data are viewing a thread, a page, a post, etc.; interacting with other users through messaging and commenting on a post; interacting with resources by uploading or downloading them, bookmarking or rating them. In the second phase, we will look at relationships within and between variables across the sample in individual schools.

Published Feb. 22, 2022 4:32 PM - Last modified Feb. 22, 2022 4:32 PM


Joshua Lawrence

