

Journal Articles

Rudi, J.  (2021) Designing Soundscapes for Presence in Virtual Reality Exhibitions: A Study of Visitor Experiences, Visitor Studies, 24:2, 121-136. DOI: 10.1080/10645578.2021.1907151

Book Chapters

Pierroux, P., Sauge, B. & Steier, R. (2021). Exhibitions as a Collaborative Research Space for University-Museum Partnerships (pp. 149-166). In M. Achiam, M. Haldrup & K. Drotner (Eds.), Experimental Museology. Institutions, Representations, Users.  OA Routledge.  

Sauge, B. (2018) BIM, A Discussion in Norwegian Competitions. In M. Theodorou and A. Katsakou (Eds.) Competition Grid. Experimenting With and Within Architecture Competitions. (Chapter 11) RIBA Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Pierroux, P., Steier, R., and Sauge, B. (2019) Born Digital Architectural Projects: Imagining, Designing and Exhibiting Practices. In Å. Mäkitalo, T. Nicewonger & M. Elam (Eds.), Designs for Experimentation and Inquiry: Approaching Learning and Knowing in Digital Transformation. (Chapter 5, pp. 87-109) London: Routledge.

Conference Presentations

Sauge, B. & Qvale, A. (2020) Real Visitors and Virtual Reality in Architecture Exhibitions. Nordic VR Forum 2020, Hamar, Norway, October 28-29, 2020.

Steier, R. (2020) Designing for Joint Attention and Co-presence Across Parallel Realities. In M. Gresalfi & I. Horn (Eds.), The Interdisciplinarity of the Learning Sciences, 14th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2020, Vol. 3.

Pierroux, P., Steier, R. and Qvale, A. (2019) Studying Visitors' Exhibition Experiences in a Virtual Reality Environment. Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference. Detroit, July 10-13, 2019.

Rudi, J. (2019) Designing and evaluating soundscapes in virtual reality exhibitions. Visitor Studies Association Annual Conference. Detroit, July 10-13, 2019.

Pierroux, P., Steier, R., Sauge, B., Qvale, A., Liu, T., Larse, O.P., and Rudi, J. (2019) Anticipating Embodied Virtual Experiences in Architecture Exhibitions. Anticipation 2019. Oslo, October 9-11, 2019.

Sauge, B. (2018). Designing for Preserving Digital Architecture: Correlations between Architecture Firms and Collecting Repositories. Paper presented at the ICAM 19: Migrating Ideas, Copenhagen. September 9-13.

Sauge, B. (2018). The Forest in the House: Architecture exhibition experiment as a designbased research practice partnership. Paper presented at the ICAM 19: Migrating Ideas, Copenhagen. September 9-13.

Sauge, B. and Rolf Steier, R. Real Visitors and Virtual Reality in Architecture Exhibitions. Society of Architectural Historians 71th Annual Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, 18-22.4.2018.

Sauge, B. Digital design media in architects´ practices and impact on architecture archives and museums. European architectural history network, 5th Thematic Conference: Tools of the Architect. TU Delft and Het Nieuwe Instituut Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 22-24.11.2017.

Sauge, B. To Bim or not to BIM? A study of the use of BIM in Architecture Competitions and it´s impact on practice.  6th International Conference on Architecture Competitions: The Competition Mesh. Leeds Beckett University, 27-28.10.2016.

Steier, R., and Beck, E. E. (2018) Presence and Meaning Making. Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) 2018 Congress, Oslo, Norway. March 8-10.


Transcribed Nature, Atelier Oslo. Exhibition The Architecture Machine. The Role of Computers in Architecture, Architekturmuseum der TU München, October 14, 2020 – January 10, 2021

Forest in the House, exhibition at The National Museum, Oslo, Norway. February 24 – March 18, 2018


Sauge, B. (2019) Digital Design Media in Norwegian Architect´s current Practice, Survey 2016-2017. Oslo: National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Norway. Unpublished report, 28 pp. pdf

Alvsåker, A., Brustad, I.V.,Gaustad, L., Jørgensen, J.T., Sauge, B., Svendsen, P., & Aaberg, E. (2017) Sluttrapport 2017 – Digital langtidsbevaring – Strategi for valg av filformater for bevaring. EFORV_2, SAMDOK, 22 pp

Invited Talks

Sauge, B. Project presentation for colleagues in a seminar concerning research and the new permanent exhibition at Vestbanen, The Nationalmuseum. 9. 5. 2016.

Sauge, B. Observer during the presentation of the report «Anskaffelse og arkitekttjenester – evaluering av piloter», Statsbygg. 6.4. 2016.

Sauge. B. Project presentation for colleagues, RIBA/Victoria and Albert Museum, London, 26.11.2016

Pierroux, P., Steier, R. and Sauge, B. Digital curation and expert practices in museums: A case study of archiving and exhibiting architectural design, LETStuio Seminar, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 28.10.2016.

Masters' Theses

Biuso, E. (2020) Rom, sted og tilstedeværelse i en virtuell arkitekturutstilling. Master's thesis. Oslo: UiO. PDF


Manglende kommunikasjon bidro til publikums «sjokk», Aftenposten debattinnlegg, Sauge & Pierroux, 14. mars, 2019

Arkitekturutstilling eksperimenterer med VR- teknologi og lyd, UiO nettsider, 26. februar, 2018 (start 6:15 min)

Kulturnytt, NRK Radio, 6. mars 2018. Nasjonalmuseet - Arkitektur viser nå to svært ulike utstillinger: Én ny fast samlingsutstilling som har fått tittelen Boligideer og et samarbeidsprosjekt mellom Nasjonalmuseet og universitetet i Oslo: der man utforsker hvordan kunstig virkelighets-teknologi kan benyttes i presentasjonen av arkitektur. Kunstkritiker i NRK, Mona Pahle Bjerke, forteller oss om begge.

'Slik blir fremtidens museumstur. Et fireårig forskningsprosjekt på bruken av blant annet VR-teknologi skal på sikt gi publikum en helt ny museumsopplevelse', Aftenposten, Arve Henriksen, 22. februar, 2018

Published Nov. 11, 2015 8:36 AM - Last modified Feb. 24, 2023 10:56 AM