News and Events

Architecture and Digital Media: Mediascapes researchers Birgitte Sauge and Palmyre Pierroux contributed to debate in Aftenposten on digital competence and media ethics

'Belvedere Visitracker' studies. In collaboration with the Austrian gallery Belvedere and the Lab for Cognitive Research in Art History, University of Vienna, the study explores museum visiting practices in the exhibition Vienna Around 1900 using the Visitracker app.


Research experiments with VR in architecture museums are underway in the Mediascapes project!

Read about the study in Aftenposten

Designing digital tools for exploring interaction in museums    

The UCL Centre for Multimodal Research invites all to this meeting of the Visual and Multimodal Research Forum and the presentation by Dr Dimitra Christidou

Thursday 22nd February   17:00-18:30 PM, Location: Room 803, UCL Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Workshop: VR in Architecture Exhibitions, August 8-9, 2017

Studies of the use of VR technology in architecture and museum exhibition practices are ongoing until early 2018. The studies are based on one of Atelier Oslo's works that was modeled and produced using largely digital tools, and was exhibited in physical form at the museum in 2013. The studies explore visitors' meaning making and sensory experiences of the work, including movement, sound, temperature and touch, in a new VR exhibition context. Planning of the design experiments was kicked off in a 2-day workshop with Atelier Oslo, NOTAM and researchers from the Royal College of Art. This is a significant undertaking for both the project and the museum, which has contributed extra resources to the experiments and studies through Digilab. The installations and visitor studies will take place at the Architecture Museum.

Les på norsk

Lecture: Professor Kim Schrøder, visiting researcher, May 15, kl. 11-12, Oslo

“I ♥ Skagens Museum” Patterns of Interaction in the Institutional Facebook Communication of Museums

Book workshop, May 8-9, 2017, Oslo 

Citizen Science / Citizen Humanities: Concepts, Infrastructures, Practices and Methods

  • Contributor presentations by
  • Sanita Reinsone, University of Latvia
  • Milena Dobreva, University of Malta
  • Jenny Kidd, Cardiff University
  • Kim Christian Schrøder, University of Roskilde
  • Emily Oswald, University of Oslo
  • Line Esborg, University of Oslo
  • Ole Smørdal, University of Oslo
  • Chiara Bonnacchi, University College London

Kulmedia Seminar, March 16-17, 2017

Per Hetland and Dimitra Christidou presented their projects in Mediascapes at Kulmedia Seminar organized by the Kulmedia Program Committee, Norwegian Research Council of Norway.

Digitalisering av medier og kultur: Penger, makt og innhold, September 26, 2016, Litteraturhuset, Oslo 

Birgitte Sauge and Emily Oswald presented on behalf of the Mediascapes project team during this seminar organized by the Norwegian Research Council on digitization, media, and culture.

Citizen Science and Public Engagement

Friday, September 23, 2016 | 8:30-16:00 | Oslo Science Park

The seminar aims to deepen our understanding of how digitization and participatory models are transforming knowledge practices in museums and archives. The seminar is organized as part of an interdisciplinary research project that includes learning scientists, historians, museum curators, architects, and specialists in biodiversity informatics, memory archives, and science and technology policy evaluation.

Project Partners Seminar on Citizen Science and Archives

September 22, 2016, Oslo

Project partners including the Norwegian Folklore Archive and SABIMA are spending the day with the Mediascapes project team to plan activities for spring 2017 and beyond.

Visitracker Launch, Norges Museumsforbund (Norwegian Museums Association) Annual Conference

September 16, 2016, Molde

Read more in the Norges Museumsforbund conference program.

Workshop on Digital Media in Architecture Exhibitions

April 26, 2016, Oslo

A full day workshop will develop concepts for innovative exhibition experiments in the architecture museum, with a focus on the role of digital media. Participants include project partners from Oslo architecture firms DivA and Atelier Oslo, the National Museum, university researchers, interaction designers and high school students. The workshop is facilitated by Siri Warren at Siri&ida.

Francesca Bacci on 'Senses in Mediascapes'

Center for Mind and Brain Sciences, University of Trento, Italy

April 13, 2016, Oslo

Network partner Francesca Bacci is visiting the University of Oslo to discuss the role of the senses in Mediascapes' studies. National Museum curators Anne Qvale and Birgitte Sauge are leading these studies, which explore the communicative potential of digitally mediated interactions with architecture and sculpture. Read more about Bacci's work on multisensory interaction in the arts, humanities, and sciences in the edited volume Art and the Senses.

Per Hetland talks at CPAS seminar

April 10, 2016 Canberra Australia

Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS)

Per Hetland is currently Visiting Fellow at Australian National University. Per's presentation, entitled 'Trading Zones, Citizen Science Expertise, and New Infrastructures for Knowledge Production', focused on citizen science, systematic biology, and the mapping of biodiversity. Specifically Per is studying how the Natural History Museum at the University of Oslo and other stakeholders interact with communities of interests outside the professional institutions.