
Articles in refereed journals


Staksrud, E. (forthcoming, April 2013). Online Grooming Legislation - Knee-jerk regulation? European Journal of Communication.

Kaare, B. H. (2012) The Self and the Institution: The Transformation of a Narrative Genre. Nordicom Review33(2): 17–26.

Livingstone, S., Ólafsson, K., & Staksrud, E. (accepted). The social networking skills and practices of ‘under-age’ users: Lessons for
evidence-based policy. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.

Staksrud, E., Ólafsson, K., & Livingstone, S. (2012). Does the use of social networking sites increase children's risk of harm? Computers in Human Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2012.05.026

Lövheim, M. (2012) Negotiating Emphatic Communication. Feminist Media Studies.   



Friedlander, L. (2011) 'Friending the Virgin. Some Thoughts on the Prehistory of Facebook', Sage Open [online] DOI:10.1177/2158244011415423

Staksrud, E. (2011). Norske barn på Internett: Høy risiko - liten skade? Nordicom Information, 33(4), 59-70. 

Lövheim, M. (2011) Personal and Popular. The Case of Young Swedish Female Top-bloggers, Nordicom Review, 32(1): 3-16.

Lövheim, M. (2011) Young Women’s Blogs as Ethical Spaces. Information, Communication & Society, 14(3): 338-354.

Lövheim, M. & G. Lynch (2011) The mediatisation of religion debate: An introduction, Culture and Religion, 12(2): 111-117.

Hjarvard, S. (2011) The mediatisation of religion: Theorising religion, media and social change, Culture and Religion, 12(2): 119-135.

Lövheim, M. (2011) Mediatisation of religion: A critical appraisal, Culture and Religion, 12(2): 153-166.

Thumim, N. (2010) 'Self-representation in museums: therapy or democracy?', Critical Discourse Studies, 7(3): 291-304 (in special issue on Self-mediation: Citizenship and New Media.  



Hepp, A., S. Hjarvard & K. Lundby (2010) 'Mediatization – Empirical perspectives: An introduction to a special issue', Communications. The European Journal of Communication Research, 35(3): 223-228.

Brandtzæg, P.B., J. Heim & B.H. Kaare (2010) 'Bridging and bonding in social network sites - investigating family-based capital'. In International Journal of Web Based Communities, 6 (3):231-253.

Thumim, N. & L. Chouliaraki (2010) 'Legitimising the BBC in the Digital Cultural Sphere: The Case of Capture Wales', Javnost - The Public, 17(2): 83-100.

Thumim, N. (2009) ‘Everyone has a story to tell’: mediation and self representation in two UK institutions,  International Journal of Cultural Studies, 12(6): 617-638.

Livingstone, S. & D. Brake (2009) On the Rapid Rise of Social Networking Sites: New Findings and Policy Implications. Research Review. Children & Society, 24(1): 75-83.

Brandtzæg, P. B., E. Staksrud, I. Hagen & T. Wold (2009). Children's Experiences of Cyberbullying when Using Different Technological Platforms. Journal of Children and Media, 3(4).



Wertsch, J. V & Z. Karumidze (2009) Spinning the past: Russian and Georgian accounts of the war of August 2008, Memory Studies, 2(3): 377-391.

Sefton-Green, J., H. Nixon & O. Erstad (2009 ) Reviewing approaches and perspectives on 'Digital literacy', Pedagogies, 4(2): 105-127

Kaare, B. H & K. Lundby (2009) Digitale fortellinger som metode i trosopplæringen. Prismet, 60(2): 91-99.

Staksrud, E. and S. Livingstone (2009). Children and online risk: Powerless victims or resourceful participants? Information, Communication & Society, 12(3): 364-387.

– Republished in Italian, as Staksrud, E., & Livingstone, S. (2009). I bambini davanti ai rischi della Rete. Vittime inermi o partecipanti competenti? Comunicazioni Sociali, 3(3): 274-298.

Livingstone, S. (2009) On the Mediation of Everything, Journal of Communication, 59(1): 1-18.

Staksrud, E. (2008) Children, Internet, pornography and policy, International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 4(3): 387-402.

Hjarvard, S. (2008) The Mediatization of Society. A Theory of the Media as Agents of Social and Cultural Change, Nordicom Review, 29(2): 105-134.

Kaare, B.H. (2008) Youth as Producers: Digital Stories of Faith and Life, Nordicom Review, 29(2): 189-201.

Picture of publication "New median & society"

Mediatized Stories had a special section of New Media & Society Vol. 10, No. 3, June 2008.



Lundby, K. (2008) Editorial: mediatized stories: mediation perspectives on digital storytelling. New Media & Society, 10(3):429-437.

Couldry, N. (2008) Mediatization or mediation? Alternative understandings of the emergent space of digital storytelling. New Media & Society, 10(3):439-457.

Livingstone, S. (2008) Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression. New Media & Society, 10(3):459-477.

– Reproduced in Nayar, P.K. (2010) (Ed.), The New Media and Cybercultures Anthology (468-482). Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

– Abridged version translated into Spanish and published as: Livingstone, S. (2009) Las redes sociales online – una oportunidad con riesgos para adolescents. In Grané, M., & Willem, C. (Eds.), Web 2.0: Neuvas formas de aprender y de participar (87-106).Barcelona: Laertes.

Livingstone, S. (2008) Engaging with media - A matter of literacy? Communication, Culture & Critique, 1(1), 49-60.

Nelson, M.E. (2008). Multimodal synthesis and the 'voice' of the multimedia author in a Japanese EFL context. Innovations in Language Learning and Teaching 2(1), 65-82.

Nelson, M.E., Hull, G.A. & Roche-Smith, J. (2008). Taking, and mistaking, the show on the road: Multimedia self-presentation and social interaction. Written Communication, 25(4), 415-440.

Livingstone, S. (2007) Evaluating the online risks for children in Europe. Telos (in Spanish), 73: 52-69.

Livingstone, S. (2007) The challenge of engaging youth online: Contrasting producers' and teenagers' interpretations of websites. European Journal of Communication, 22(2): 165-184.

Hjarvard, S. (2007) Sprogets medialisering. Språk i Norden.

Gauntlett, D. & P. Holzwarth (2006) Creative and visual methods for exploring identities, in Visual Studies, 21(1): 82-91.

Lundby, K. (2006) Transforming Faith-based Education in the Church of Norway: Mediation of Religious Traditions and Practices in Digital Environments, in Studies in World Christianity, 12(1), 5-22.


Articles in other scholarly journals/Reports/Thesises


Staksrud, E., Ólafsson, K., & Kirksæther, J. (forthcoming, 2012). Risiko og trygghet for barn på Internett: Norske funn. Nasjonale funn fra EU Kids Online studien med 9-16 åringer og deres foreldre European Research on Cultural, Contextual and Risk Issues in Children’s Safe Use of the Internet and New Media (2006-2009). LSE, London: EU Kids Online.



Staksrud, E. (2011). Children and the Internet: Risk, Regulation, Rights. Dissertation submitted for the degree of PhD, Dept. of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Norske barn på Internett: Høy risiko - lite skade? Nordicom Information, 33(4): 59-70. 

Staksrud, E., & Livingstone, S. (2011). A-B-Cyberspace. Can children ever be safe on social networking sites? Public Service Review, European Union (22), 610-611.

Drotner K. (2011) Domains of digital literacy learning: beyond easy oppositions. In S. Livingstone (Ed.) Media literacy: Ambitions, policies and measures. Brussels: Report from COST Action: Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies.

Livingstone, S., Ólafsson, K., & Staksrud, E. (2011). Social Networking, Age and Privacy Eu Kids Online. London: LSE.



Brake, D. (2010) 'As if nobody's reading'?: Imagined contexts and socio-technical biases in personal blogging practice in the UK. PhD thesis. London School of Economics and Political Science. [Published at under Creative Commons].

Drotner, K., V. Duus & O. Erstad (2009) Evaluering af national digital læringsarena. Oslo: Rambøll. Seeæremiddelanalyse_sluttrapport.pdf



Staksrud, E., S. Livingstone, L. Haddon, & K. Ólafsson (2009). What Do We Know About Children's Use of Online Technologies? A Report on Data Availability and Research Gaps in Europe (2nd edition). LSE, London: EU Kids Online (EC Safer Internet plus Programme Deliverable D1.1).



Livingstone, S. & Thumim, N. (2008) What is Fred telling us? A commentary on Teachers' College Record, September 08, 2008.

Thumin, N. (2007) 'Challenges in Representing 'Anyone''. In Vertigo Magazine, December 2007


 Picture of book: "Mediatization"Picture of book: "Digital storytelling, Mediatized stories"


Staksrud, E (forthcoming, 2013) Children and the Online World: Risk, Regulation, Rights. London: Ashgate

           Picture of book: "Children in the Online World"

O'Neill, B., Staksrud, E., & McLaughlin, S. (Eds.). (forthcoming, 2012). Promoting a safer internet for children: European policy debates and challenges. Göteborg: Nordicom.

Thumim, N. (2012). Self-representation and digital culture. Basingtoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

           Picture of book: "Self-representation and digital culture"



Drotner, K. (2011) Mediehistorier. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

Gauntlett, D. (2011) Making is Connecting: The social meaning of creativity, from DIY and knitting to YouTube and Web 2.0. Cambridge: Polity.

Schultz Larsen, O., Deschington, H., Frank, K., Herheim, Å., & Staksrud, E. (2011). Psykologi 2 (Bokmål ed.). Oslo: Aschehoug.

Schultz Larsen, O., Deschington, H., Frank, K., Herheim, Å., & Staksrud, E. (2011). Psykologi 2 (Nynorsk ed.). Oslo: Aschehoug.

Wagner, I; Bratteteig, T. & Stuedahl, D. (Eds) (2010)  Exploring Digital Design. London: Springer Verlag CSCW Series.



Couldry, N. (2010). Why Voice Matters. Culture and Politics after Neoliberalism. London: Sage.

Drotner, K. & K. C. Schrøder (Eds) (2010) Digital Content Creation: Creativity, Competence, Critique. New York: Peter Lang.

Livingstone, S., & Haddon, L. (Eds) (2009) Kids Online: Opportunities and risks for children. Bristol: The Policy Press

Livingstone, S. (2009) Children and the Internet: Great Expectations, Challenging Realities. Cambridge: Polity.

Nyboe, L. (2009). Digital dannelse. Børns og unges mediebrug og -læring inden og uden for institutionerne. København: Frydenlund.



Lundby, K. (Ed.) (2009) Mediatization: Concept, Changes, Consequences. New York: Peter Lang.

Drotner, K., H.S. Jensen & K.C. Schrøder (Eds) (2008). Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Drotner, K. & S. Livingstone (Eds) (2008) The International Handbook of Children, Media and Culture. Sage.



Lundby, K. (Ed.) (2008). Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Hjarvard, Stig (Ed.) (2008). The Mediatization of Religion. Enchantment, Media and Popular Culture. Northern Lights 2008. Film and Media Studies Yearbook. Bristol: Intellect.

Hjarvard, Stig (2008). En verden af medier. Medialiseringen af politik, sprog, religion og leg. Frederiksberg: Samfundslitteratur.

Gauntlett, D. (2007). Creative Explorations. New approaches to identities and audiences. London: Routledge.


Book chapters


O'Neill, B., & Staksrud, E. (forthcoming, 2013). Policy Implications and recommendations: Now what? In S. Livingstone, L. Haddon & A. Görzig (Eds), Children, risk and safety online: Research and policy challenges in comparative perspective Bristol: Policy Press.

Enli, G. & Staksrud, E. (forthcoming, 2012). PSB Serving Children: Past, Present and Future. In U. Carlsson (Ed.), A Nordic Public Service Media Map. Gøteborg: Nordicom.

Couldry, N. (2012) Media Society World: Social Theory and Digital Media Practice. Cambridge: Polity, chapter 6.

Lundby, K. (2012). Selvrepresentasjon i digitale fortellinger. I Haug, K. H.; C. Ohlmann & G. Jamissen (red.), Digitalt fortalte historier. Refleksjon for læring. ​Oslo: CappelenDamm.

Staksrud, E. (forthcoming, 2012). Metodiske og etiske utfordringer ved å forske med barn på Internett. I H. Fossheim (Ed.), Forskning med barn. Oslo: De nasjonale forskningsetiske komiteer.

Staksrud, E. (forthcoming, 2012). "Mamma - hvorfor er TV så kjedelig?" Internett i barnehagen: om muligheter, risiko, moralsk panikk og digital lek. I H. Jæger & J. K. Torgersen (Eds.), Mediekonsument og medieprodusent. Digital kultur i barnehagen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Staksrud, E., & Kirksæther, J. (forthcoming, 2012). 'He who buries the little girl wins!' - Moral panics as double jeopardy. The Case of Rule of Rose. In C. Critcher, J. Hughes, J. Petley & A. Rohloff (Eds.), Moral Panics in the Contemporary World. London: Bloomsbury Academic.

Staksrud, E. (forthcoming, 2012). Content classification & Filtering. In B. O'Neill, E. Staksrud & S. McLaughlin (Eds.), Promoting a safer internet for children: European policy debates and challenges. Göteborg: Nordicom.

Staksrud, E., & Ólafsson, K. (forthcoming, 2012). Awareness: Strategies, mobilisation and effectiveness. In B. O'Neill, E. Staksrud & S. McLaughlin (Eds.), Promoting a safer internet for children: European policy debates and challenges. Göteborg: Nordicom.

O'Neill, B., Staksrud, E., & McLaughlin, S. (forthcoming, 2012). Introduction. In B. O'Neill, E. Staksrud & S. McLaughlin (Eds.), Promoting a safer internet for children: European policy debates and challenges. Göteborg: Nordicom.

O'Neill, B., Staksrud, E., & McLaughlin, S. (forthcoming, 2012). Conclusion. In B. O'Neill, E. Staksrud & S. McLaughlin (Eds.), Promoting a safer internet for children: European policy debates and challenges. Göteborg: Nordicom.

Nelson, M.E., Hull, G.A., & Young, R. (forthcoming, 2012)  Portrait of the artist as a younger adult: Multimedia literacy and “effective surprise.” In O. Erstad & J. Sefton-Green (Eds) Learning lives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Silseth, K. & O. Erstad (forthcoming, 2012): Mirroring the surfaces of the self - Exploring the literacy practices of digital storytelling. In B. Gentikow, E.G. Skogseth and S. Østerud (eds.) Literacy Practices in Late Modernity: Mastering Technological and Cultural Convergences. Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press.

Gauntlett, D. & Awan, F. (2012). Action-based visual and creative methods in social research. In Heywood, I. & Sandywell, B. (Eds) The Handbook of Visual Culture, Oxford: Berg.



Kaare, B. H & K. Lundby (2011)  Digitale trosfortellinger. Et forskerblikk. I A. Simonnes (red.) Digital trusopplæring. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk.

Awan, F. & Gauntlett, D. (2011). Creative and visual methods in audience research. In V. Nightingale (Ed.) The Handbook of Media Audiences. Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Livingstone., S. & K. Drotner (2011) Children's Media Cultures in Comparative Perspective. In V. Nightingale (Ed.) The Handbook of Media Audiences. Global Handbooks in Media and Communication Research. Chichester: Wiley Blackwell.

Drotner, K. (2011) The cult of creativity: Opposition, incorporation, transformation. In J. Sefton Green, P. Thomson, L. Bresler & K. Jones (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Learning.

Lundby, K. (2011) Mediatizing faith: Digital storytelling on the Unspoken. In M. Bailey & G. Redden (Eds) Mediating Faiths: Religion and Socio-Cultural Change in the Twenty-First Century. Aldershot: Ashgate.

Hjarvard, S. (2011)  Mediernes betydning i kultur og samfund. In S. Hjarvard (Ed.) medieDK. København: Lindhardt & Ringhof.

Hjarvard, S. (2011)  Et forandret medielandskab. In S. Hjarvard (Ed.) medieDK. København: Lindhardt & Ringhof.

Gauntlett, D. (2010), Creativity, Participation, and Connectedness: An interview with David Gauntlett. in Sonvilla-Weiss, Stefan (Ed.) Mashup Cultures. New York: Springer Wien.

Staksrud, E. (2010). Hva slags ungdom vil vi ha. In E. Torp & G. Brækken (Eds), Grenser som skaper. Oslo: IKO-Forlaget AS.

Bratteteig, T. (2010) ‘A Matter of Digital Materiality.' In Wagner, I, Bratteteig, T. & Stuedahl, D. (Eds): Exploring Digital Design. London: Springer Verlag CSCW Series.



Drotner, K. (2010) Democratic digital literacies: Three obstacles in search of a solution. In Ulla Carlsson (Ed.) Children and Youth in the Digital Media Culture: From a Nordic Horizon. Yearbook 2010 from the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media. Gothenburg: Nordicom.

Stig Hjarvard (2010). Medialiseringen af uddannelse og undervisning. In H. C Christiansen & G. Rose (Eds): Læring med levende billeder. Frederiksberg: Forlaget Samfundslitteratur.

Thumim, N., Chouliaraki, L. (2010) ‘BBC and new media: public service broadcasting in a corporate market environment.’ In Chouliaraki, L., & Morsing, M. (Eds) Media, Organisations, Identity. Basingtoke: Macmillan.

Friedlander, L. (2010) Sacred Geographies: Myth and Ritual in Serious Games. In: Van Eyck, R. (Ed.) Interdisciplinary Models and Tools for Serious Games: Emerging Concepts and Future Directions. Hershey PA: IGI Global Press.



Staksrud, E. (2009) Problematic conduct: juvenile delinquency on the internet. In S. Livingstone & L. Haddon (Eds.), Kids online. London: The Policy Press.

Nyboe, L. (2009). Digital produktion og æstetisk læring. Kapittel 5. In Digital dannelse: Børns og unge mediebrug og -læring inden for og uden for institutionerne, København: Frydenlund.

Livingstone, S. (2009). Communication and Identity. Chapter 4. In Children and the Internet: Great Expectations, Challenging Realities. Cambridge: Polity.

Drotner, K. (2009) Children and digital media: online, on site, on the go. In J. Qvortrup et. al (Eds) Handbook of Childhood Studies. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Staksrud, E. (2009). Hva slags barn vil vi ha? In H. Grande Røys (Ed.) Delte Meninger. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Lundby, K. (2009) The Matrices of Digital Storytelling. Examples from Scandinavia. In J. Hartley & K. McWilliam (Eds) Story Circle. Digital Storytelling Around the World. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

Thumim, N. (2009) 'Tension in the text: exploring self-representations in Capture Wales and London's Voices' in Hartley, J., and McWilliam, K. (eds). Story Circle: Digital Storytelling around the World. Blackwell.

Livingstone, S. (2009) Foreword: Coming to Terms With 'Mediatization.' In K. Lundby (Ed.) Mediatization: Concept, Changes, Consequences. New York: Peter Lang.

Lundby, K. (2009) Introduction: 'Mediatization' as Key. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Mediatization: Concept, Changes, Consequences. New York: Peter Lang.

Lundby, K. (2009) Media Logic: Looking for Social Interaction. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Mediatization: Concept, Changes, Consequences. New York: Peter Lang.

Hjarvard, S. (2009) Soft Individualism: Media and the Changing Social Character. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Mediatization: Concept, Changes, Consequences. New York: Peter Lang.

Lundby, K. (2009) Conclusion: Consensus and Conflict. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Mediatization: Concept, Changes, Consequences. New York: Peter Lang.

Drotner, K. (2008) Digital dannelse: når fritiden er hårdt arbejde. In J. T. Bertelsen, A. H. B. Ebbensgaard, K. Madsen & O. G. Mouritsen (red.) Viljen til visdom: en debatbog udgivet i anledning af Odense Katedralskoles 725 års jubilæum. Aarhus: Slagmark.

Drotner, K. (2008) Informal Learning and Digital Media: Perceptions, Practices and Perspectives. In Drotner, K, H.S. Jensen & K.C. Schrøder (Eds) Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Sefton-Green, J. (2008) Informal learning: a solution in search of a problem?' In Drotner, K, H.S. Jensen & K.C. Schrøder (Eds) Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.



Lundby, K. (2008) Introduction: Digital storytelling, mediatized stories. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Erstad, O. & J. V. Wertsch (2008) Tales of mediation: Narrative and digital media as cultural tools. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Couldry, N. (2008) Digital storytelling, media research and democracy: Conceptual choices and alternative futures. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Drotner, K. (2008) Boundaries and bridges: Digital storytelling in education studies and media studies. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Thumim, N. (2008) 'It's good for them to know my story': Cultural mediation as tension. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Kaare, B.H & K. Lundby (2008) Mediatized lives: Autobiography and assumed authenticity in digital storytelling. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Nelson, M.E & G. Hull (2008) Self-presentation through multimedia: A Bakhtinian perspective on digital storytelling. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Nyboe, L. & K. Drotner (2008) Identity, aesthetics and digital narration. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Friedlander, L. (2008) Narrative strategies in a digital age: Authorship and authority. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Erstad, O. & K. Silseth (2008) Agency in digital storytelling: Challenging the educational context. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Staksrud, E. (2008) Fairytale parenting: Contextual factors influencing children's online self-representation.In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Gauntlett, D. (2008) Creative brainwork: Building metaphors of identity for social science research.In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Bratteteig, T. (2008) Does it matter that it's digital? In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Brake, D. (2008) Shaping the 'me' in MySpace: The framing of profiles on a social network site. In K. Lundby (Ed.) Digital Storytelling, Mediatized Stories: Self-representations in New Media. New York: Peter Lang.

Gauntlett, D. (2008) Exploring identity stories. In Gauntlett, D., Media, Gender and Identity: An Introduction, 2nd edition. London: Routledge.

Livingstone, S., Van Couvering, E., Thumim, N. (2008) 'Mixed methodology research on new literacies'. In Leu, D. J., Coiro, J., Knobel, M., and Lankshear, C. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on New Literacies. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Livingstone, S. (2008) Internet literacy: Young people's negotiation of new online opportunities. In T. McPherson (Ed.), Unexpected outcomes and innovative uses of digital media by youth. MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning, Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. Available from

Kaare, B.H. & K. Lundby (2008) The "Power of Configuration" in Digital Storytelling. In Gächter, Y. et al. (Eds), Erzählen - Reflexionen im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung / Storytelling - Reflections in the Age of Digitalization. Innsbruck: Innsbruck University Press.

Lundby, K & Kaare, B.H. (2007) The sacred as meaning and belonging in Digital Storytelling. In Furseth, I. & Leer-Salvesen, P. (Eds) Religion in Late Modernity. Essays in Honor of Pål Repstad. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press.

Livingstone, S. (2007) Mapping the possibilities for beneficial online resources for children: issues of trust, risk and me. From EU Expert Conference, Leipzig, May 2007.

Livingstone, S. (2007) Youthful experts? A critical appraisal of children's emerging internet literacy, In Mansell, R. (Ed.) Oxford Handbook on ICTs. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Sefton-Green, J. & Soep, L. (2007) Creative Media Cultures: Making and Learning Beyond the School. In Bresler, L. (Ed.) International Handbook of Research in Arts Education. Dordrecht: Springer.

Thumim, N (2006) Mediated self-representations: 'ordinary people' in 'communities', in S. Herbrechter & M. Higgins (Eds) Returning (to) community. Amsterdam: Rodopi.


Conference presentations


Staksrud. (2012). Bullying and threats via Internet and social media: The perspective of European children. Paper presented at the Ms Marta Santos Pais, Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General on Violence against Children. 20 June.

Lundby K. & B. H. Kaare (2012) Digital storytelling as a means of faith formation: Pilot projects in the Norwegian contexts. In panel on Digital Storytelling and Faith Formation. The conference on Digital Religion, University of Colorado, Boulder, 12-15 January.



Staksrud, E. & Lobe, B. (2011). 'Boys hate - girls loose weight'? - Children and harmful user generated services on the Internet. Paper presented at the EU Kids Online II Final conference, London, 22-23 September.

Staksrud, E. (2011). EU Safer Social Networking Principles: What are they, do they work, and do we need them? Keynote presented at the Norwegian National Moderators Conference, Kripos, Oslo, 7 September.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Bullying on the Internet: The perspective of European children. Paper presented at the Tackling violence in schools. High-Level Expert meeting co-organised by the government of Norway, the Council of Europe and the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Oslo, 27 June.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Top five risks in Norwegian children's childhood. Paper presented at the Barne- Ungdoms- og Familiedirektoratet [Children- Youth and Family Directorate], Oslo. 15 June.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Presentation of EUkids II topline findings. Paper presented at the Meeting for staff and students, Dept. of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Presentation of EUkids II topline findings for Norway. Paper presented at the Stakeholder meeting, Norwegian Media Authority, Fredrikstad, 10 March.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Presentation of EUkids II topline findings. Paper presented at the Meeting for staff Ministry of Education, Norway, 2 March.

Staksrud, E. (2011). New dangers? Risk and crime online. Guest lecture, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo. 

Staksrud, E., & Livingstone, S. (2011). Online Risks Encountered on the Top 10 Social Networking Sites of Europe. Paper presented at the ICA, Boston, 27 May.

Lundby,K. (2011) Mediatized Stories in Mediatized Worlds. Presentation at the International Conference on Mediatized Worlds – Culture and Society in a Media Age, in the Priority program by Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft on Mediatized Worlds. Bremen 14-15 April 2011.

Lundby,K. (2011) Mediatized Stories. Keynote at the 4th International Conference on Digital Storytelling. Lillehammer 5-7 February 2011.

Hull, G. A. (2011) Space2cre8 – children sharing stories across the world. Keynote at the 4th International Conference on Digital Storytelling. Lillehammer 5-7 February.

Kaare, B. H. (2011) The Self and the Institution – the transformation of a narrative genre. Paper at the 4th International Conference on Digital Storytelling. Lillehammer 5-7 February 2011.

Lundby, K. (2010) Digital Storytelling: A story of small-scale media entering media studies. Lecture in the Danish/Nordic research school in media, communication and journalism, Kalundborg 14-17 November.

Lundby, K. (2010) From Story Circles to Self on New Sites. In panel on Constructing Narratives of Self and Community in the Age of the Internet, Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Göteborg, 21-23 October.

Kaare B. H (2010) From Narrating Selves to Narrating Community: The Late Development of Classical Digital Storytelling. In panel on Constructing Narratives of Self and Community in the Age of the Internet. IR11, Association of Internet Researchers (AoIR), Göteborg, 21-23 October.

Staksrud, E., & Lobe, B. (2010). Protecting children online - Does self-regulation of social networking services work? Paper presented at the ECREA conference, Hamburg, 14 October.



Lundby,K. (2010) Mediatization. A theoretical background. Keynote at the opening conference of the Priority program by Deutsche Forschungsgesellschaft on Mediatized Worlds. Bremen 16-17 September 2010.

Nelson, M. E. (2010)  Invited Lecture: Investigating Multimodal Meaning Making on the Ground. University of New England, Armidale, Australia, 25 August. 

Lövheim, M. (2010) Unplugged. Panelsamtale ved "Generationer och jämställdhet", Fredrika Bremer Förbundets sommarseminarium. Apelryd, Båstad, 6-7 August.

ICA 2010:

Futsæter, K-A. (2010) Diffusion of social networking sites: Expansion and use of Facebook in Norway. Paper in Pre-conference on Researching (Popular) Media in the Age of Convergence: Methodological Innovations in the Study of Contemporary Media Industries, Texts, Technologies, and Audiences, ICA, Singapore 22 June 2010.

Lövheim, M. (2010) Young Swedish Female Top-Bloggers and Performance of Authentic Selves.
Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore, 22-26 June 2010.

Brake, D. (2010) Lifelogging: Visions of Absent Audiences. Paper presented at International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore, 22-26 June.

Lövheim, M. & K. Lundby (2010)  Scandinavian Youth Meet Religion in the Media. Presentation in panel on Mediatization of Religion in Global and Local Perspectives), International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore, 22.-26. June

Panel at ICA in Singapore 26 June 2010 on Erving Goffman Matters: Exploring the Socially Mediated in Communication Studies chaired by Knut Lundby - with:
• Sonia Livingstone on "Goffman's 'Participation Framework' Rethought for the Age of Facebook."

Panel at ICA in Singapore 26 June 2010 on Building Bridges of Meaning Across Distance and Difference: Studies of Youth-Designed Social Networking chaired by Mark Evan Nelson with these Mediatized Stories related entries:
• Glynda Hull and Mark Nelson on "Space2Cre8: Lessons Learned Thus Far"
• Stacy Marple (with Amy Stornaiuolo) on "Designful Play: Qualities of Youth Engagement With the Creation of an International Social Network"
• Kenneth Silseth and Kristin Vasbo (with Ola Erstad): "Creating Multiple Voices in the Classroom: Space2cre8 as a Facilitator for Negotiating Cultural Identity"
• Birgit Hertzberg Kaare and Catharina Kokkim: "Space to Create With Social Media in Global Classrooms"


Lövheim, M. (2010) Freedom of (self)expression – is the personal political? Workshop on "Cyberativism – changing the world?" Womens bloggers network, KVINFO, DCCD and Danish PEN. Copenhagen, 11 May.

Nelson, M. E. (2010)  Keynote Lecture: Facilitating Literacy Development through ICT. Asian Primary and Preschool Teachers Congress. Singapore, 8 May.


PUBLIC SEMINAR 14 April 2010 in Oslo with presentation of research results from the Mediatized Stories project. One presentation is in English, by Knut-Arne Futsæter on Media Trends and Use of Social Networking Sites in Norway.

"Fortelle seg selv digitalt" var tema for prosjektets formidlingskonferanse onsdag 14. april 2010:

Knut Lundby: Selvpresentasjon i digitale fortellinger.

Ivar Frønes: Å fortelle seg selv.

Birgit Hertzberg Kaare: Fra trosfortellinger til jubileumsfilmer.

Tone Bratteteig: IKT som fortellerverktøy.

Knut-Arne Futsæter:Sosiale medier som del av medieutviklingen.

Karoline Tømte: Bloggpraksis som lært selvrepresentasjon. [Bloggpraksis som lært selvrepresentasjon|^Tømte.140410.pdf|||\||]

Mia Lövheim: Bloggprinsessene. Bloggen som iscenesettelse og forhandlingsrom.

Kenneth Silseth og Kristin Vasbø: Bruk av nettsamfunnet Space2cre8 i norsk skole.

Elisabeth Staksrud: Barn som nett(mis)brukere.



Nelson, M. E., S. Marple & G. A. Hull (2010)  Paper: Gaining ‘Ground’: Iconicity as a Tool for Networked Meaning Making. American Association of Applied Linguistics, 2010 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, Georgia, 8 March.

Thumim, N. (2009), ‘What is self-representation?’ Paper presented at Centre for Media and Film, Seminar Series, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) University of London, 4 March.

Nelson, M. E. & S. Marple (2009)  Paper:  Iconicity and Networked Meaning Making. National Council of Teachers of English, 2009 Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 20 November.

Marple, S. & A. Stornaiuolo (2009)  Paper: Designful Play: Youth Engagement with the Creation of an International Youth Network. Creativity & Cognition 2009. Berkeley, California, 8 October. 



Friedlander, L. (2009) Interfaith rituals and global communities: The Guest Book project. Paper presented at Transforming Audiences 2, 4 September at the University of Westminster, London.

Brake, D. (2009) The cost of self-presentation: dimensions of potential harm to content producers. Paper presented at Transforming Audiences 2. London: University of Westminster, 4 September.

Lövheim, M. (2009) Bloggers and audiences: a case study of young female top bloggers in Sweden. Paper presented at Transforming Audiences 2. London: University of Westminster, 4 September.

Nelson, M. E (2009) A Reflection on Self-Presentation and Iconic Representation: The Case of Space2Cre8. Presentation at the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', London: University of Westminster, 2 September.

Lövheim, M. (2009) Blogs as Self-Representation: a gendered perspective on agency, authenticity and negotiations of public and private in digital media. Presentation at the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', London: University of Westminster, 2 September.

Li, S (2009) Contextualizing the "publicness" in self-made media: Young persons digital self-presentation in Norway and China. Presentation prepared for the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', London: University of Westminster, 2 September.

Futsæter, K-A. (2009) The social dynamic of the social media:Expansion and use of Facebook in Nortway. Presentation at the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', London: University of Westminster, 2 September.

Thumim, N. & G. Enli (2009) Socializing and Self-representation online: Exploring Facebook. resentation at the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', London: University of Westminster, 2 September.

Livingstone, S. (2009) Goffman's 'participation framework' rethought for the age of Facebook. Presentation at the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', London: University of Westminster, 2 September.

Friedlander, L. (2009) Continuity and Change. Strategies of self-presentation from the Renaissance to Facebook. Presentation at the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', 2 September at the University of Westminster, London.

Couldry, N (2009) Comment to all presentations at the Mediatized Stories preconference on 'The presentation of self in everyday digital life', 2 September at the University of Westminster, London.

Lövheim, M. (2009) Queens of the Blogosphere? An analysis of young female top-bloggers in Sweden. Paper presented at Nordmedia09, Karlstad, Sweden, August 2009.

Li, S (2009) The online me: a comparative study of digital self-representation among youth in Norway and China. Presentation prepared for the 'Creativity and Innovation in Chinese Media' conference. London: University of Westminster, 22-23 June.

Lövheim, M. (2009) Representations of Gender among Swedish Top Bloggers. Paper presented to
The 7th European Feminist Research Conference, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 4-7 June.

Hjarvard, S. (2009) Discussion to presentations in panel on Keywords for the Study of Mediatization: Civilization, Domestication, Authority, and Media Culture, organized by S. Hjarvard and chaired by K. Lundby. ICA, Chicago, Il, May 2009

Thumim, N. & G. Enli (2009) Feminist foundations: methodological approaches to socializing and self-representation on Facebook. Paper presented ICA, Chicago, Il, May 2009, as part of panel:
Beyond The Modifier: Feminist as Keyword.

Li, S (2009) Communal space in transition: Rethinking individualism in China in the age of the Internet. Presentation at the seminar 'On Chinese Digital Media and Journalism'. Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, 15 May.

Friedlander, L. (2009) Interfaith rituals with Digital Technology: The Guest Book project. Open guest lecture. The University of Oslo, 4 May

Thumim, N (2009) Can self-representation challenge representations in ‘postfeminist’ times? Invited paper in The terrible girls: feminism and popular Women’s Media Studies Network panel, MeCCSA, Bradford University, January 2009. 

Staksrud, E. & Livingstone, S. (2008). Children and online risk: Powerless victims or resourceful participants? Paper presented at the AoIR, October 2008, Copenhagen. Can be retrieved from



Staksrud, E. (2008b). Social networking, risk and safety - a road paved with paradoxes. Paper presented at the Safer Internet Forum Luxembourg. 25 September. Can be retrieved from

Staksrud, E. (2008a). Children as online (ab)users. Paper presented at the LSE Media Communication and Humanity Conference, London 21-23 September

Nyboe, L. (2008): 'Digital animation - between formal and informal learning and literacies'. Panel presentation. ISCAR 2008, San Diego, 8-13 September.

Thumim, N (2008) ‘How do processes of mediation shape self-representations? Oral histories at the Museum of London and Digital Storytelling at BBC Wales’. Presentation The Centre for the Study of Children, Youth and Media, Seminar Series (CSCYM), Institute of Education, London, 4 June. 

Drotner, K. (2008) 'Panel introduction 'Untold stories of children's media engagement around the world'. International Communication Association (ICA), Montreal, May 2008.

Thumim, N. (2008) 'Visitors as Publics in the Museum of London'. In panel on 'Public Participation, Media and Institutions: Three Case Studies'. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Stockholm, July 2008.

Lundby, K. (2008) 'Questioning the "media logic" of mediatization processes'. In panel on 'Mediatization'. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Stockholm, July 2008.

Hjarvard, S. (2008) 'Mediatization - An Institutional Approach'. In panel on 'Mediatization'. International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), Stockholm, July 2008.

Livingstone, S. (2008): 'On the mediation of everything'. Presidential address to the 58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Montreal, May 2008.

Couldry, N. (2008) 'Mediatization or Mediation? Alternative Understandings of the Emergent Space of Digital Storytelling'. In panel on 'Digital Mediations of Personal Narratives', International Communication Association (ICA), Montreal, May 2008.

Thumim, N. (2008) 'The Question of the Digital in Mediated Self-Representations'. In panel on 'Digital Mediations of Personal Narratives', International Communication Association (ICA), Montreal, May 2008.

Friedlander, L. (2008) 'Narrative Strategies in a Digital Age'. In panel on 'Digital Mediations of Personal Narratives', International Communication Association (ICA), Montreal, May 2008.

Drotner, K.. (2008): 'Twists in the tale/tail/tael: telling scholarship.' Invited lecture in honour of Birgit Hertzberg Kaare and Knut Lundby, University of Oslo, April 2008.

Hjarvard, S. (2008): 'From Charlton Heston to Dan Brown: Media and Secularization.' Invited lecture in honour of Birgit Hertzberg Kaare and Knut Lundby, University of Oslo, April 2008.

Livingstone, S. (2008): 'On the media(tiz)ation of everything?' Invited lecture in honour of Birgit Hertzberg Kaare and Knut Lundby, University of Oslo, April 2008.

Livingstone, S (2008): 'Teenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy and self-expression: Changing conceptions of friends, privacy and risk'. Presented to the Media Communications and Cultural Studies Association Annual Conference, Cardiff, January 2008.

Kaare, B.H & Lundby, K. (2007) 'The "Power of Configuration" in Digital Storytelling'. Presentation to the international conference on 'Digital Storytelling. Media-theoretical Reflections in the Age of Digitalization', University of Innsbruck, December 2007.

Livingstone, S. (2007): 'Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation'. Presentation to Poke 1.0 - A Facebook social research symposium, London, November 2007.

Friedlander, L. (2007): 'Authorship and authority in digital narratives'. Keynote lecture to the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.

Drotner, K. (2007): 'Literacy and media convergence'. Invited lecture to the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.

Hjarvard, S. (2007): 'Weak ties, soft individualism. The social underpinnings of mediated sociability'. Presentation at the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.

Nyboe, L. (2007): 'Authority, pedagogy and competence in young people's media production practices'. Presentation at the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.

Kalantari, S. (2007): 'ICT use in an Authoritarian Regime: A Curse or a Blessing?' Poster at the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.

Lundby, K. (2007): 'Mediatized Stories: Mediation perspectives on digital storytelling among youth' Poster at the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.

Livingstone, S (2007) 'Evaluating the online risks for children in Europe'. Keynote lecture to the First International Congress on Television and Childhood, Madrid, October 2007.

Livingstone, S (2007) 'Audiences engaging with media - a matter of literacy?' Keynote presentation to the conference, Transforming Audiences: Identity/Creativity/Everyday Life. London: Univrsity of Westminster, 6-7 September.

Gauntlett, D (2007) 'Building Metaphors, building identity'. Presentation to the conference, Transforming Audiences: Identity/ Creativity/ Everyday Life. London: University of Westminster, 6-7 September.

Lundby, K (2007) 'Digital Storytelling- On own Lives'. Presentation to the conference, Transforming Audiences: Identity/ Creativity/ Everyday Life. London: University of Westminster, 6-7 September.

Thumim, N (2007) 'Invited Self-representations'. Presentation to the conference, Transforming Audiences: Identity/ Creativity/ Everyday Life. London: University of Westminster, 6-7 September.

Brake, D. (2007) Personal webloggers and their audiences: one medium, many communicative contexts. Transforming Audiences, London: University of Westminister, 6-7 September.

Futsæter, K-A (2007) New media trends in Norway. Presentation to the Mediatized Stories meeting during the International Communication Association. San Francisco, 24-28 May.

Brake, D (2007) 'Filling the 'About Me' Box'. Presentation to the International Communication Association. San Francisco, 24-28 May 2007.

Gauntlett, D (2007) 'Representing Identity: Findings from a Study Using Visual Metaphors'. Presentation to the conference International Communication Association. San Francisco, 24-28 May, 2007.

Hjarvard, S (2007) 'Changing Media- Changing Language. The Mediatization of Society and the Spread of English'. Presentation to the conference International Communication Association. San Francisco, 24-28 May, 2007.

Thumim, N (2007) 'Mediating Self-Representation in Public Sector Projects'. Presentation to the conference, International Communication Association, san Francisco, 24-28 May, 2007.

Drotner K., & L. Nyboe (2007) 'Animation, Aesthetics, and Interactive Narration.' Presentation to the conference, International Communication Association, san Francisco, 24-28 May, 2007.

Thumim, N (2007) 'A Critical Account of Digital Storytelling as it Appeared in Britain'. Presentation to the pre-conference. International Communication Association, UC Berkeley, 24 May, 2007.

Hull, G. A. & M. E. Nelson (2007). Taking, and Mistaking, the Show on the Road: MUltimedia Self-Presentation and Social Transaction. Presentation to the pre-conference. International Communication Association, UC Berkeley, 24 May, 2007.

Kaare, B. H. & K. Lundby (2007). Mediatized Stories: Autobiography and Authenticity in Digital Storytelling. Presentation to the pre-conference. International Communication Association, UC Berkeley, 24 May, 2007.

Futsæter, K-A (2007) 'Increasing use of social media and decrease of traditional media in Norway'. EMRO meeting, Bavaria, Germany. May 2007.

Futsæter, K-A (2007) Increasing use of social networking sites and decrease of traditional media use among children and youth in Norway. Presentation to the Symposium on Mediatized Storytelling, Oslo: 21 March.

Livingstone, S (2007) The fraught relation between online opportunities and risks: a youth-centred approach'. Presentation to the Symposium on Mediatized Storytelling, Oslo: 21 March.

Gauntlett, D (2007) 'Creative Brainwork: Building Metaphors of Identities for Social Science Research'. Presentation to the University of Nottingham, February, 2007.

Drotner, K. (2006) Informal learning and digital media: what's new? Keynote presentation to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Odense, Denmark, 21-23 September.

Livingstone, S. (2006) Internet literacy? Researching young people's negotiation of new online opportunities. Keynote presentation to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Odense, Denmark, 21-23 September.

Sefton-Green, J. (2006) Informal learning: a solution in search of a problem?. Keynote presentation to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Odense, Denmark, 21-23 September.

Hull, Glynda A. (2006) Geographies of hope: creating new spaces for literacy, learning and community. Keynote presentation to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Odense, Denmark, 21-23 September.

Gee, J. P. (2006) Learning is the engine that drives good video games. Keynote presentation to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Odense, Denmark, 21-23 September.

Nyboe, L (2006): 'Animation, interactive narration and multimodal learning', paper to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts, Consequences, University of Southern Denmark, 21-23 September.

Bratteteig, T (2006) 'Inventing use: on complexities of design-use relationships', paper to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts, Consequences, University of Southern Denmark, 21-23 September.

Kaare, B.H & K. Lundby: (2006) 'Constructing Digital Stories on faith and life', paper to the DREAM conference on Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts, Consequences, University of Southern Denmark, 21-23 September.

Lundby, K. & Kaare, B.H (2006) 'Mediatizing Faith: Digital storytelling on the unspoken'. Presentation to the 5th international Conference on Media, Religion and Culture. Sigtuna, 6-9 July, 2006.

Gauntlett, D (2006) 'Visual methods, metaphors, Lego and the brain'. Keynote opening lecture at the conference of the British Sociological Association Visual Sociology division, University of Warwick, UK, 27 May 2006.

Lundby, K (2006) 'Digital Storytelling - Mediatized Stories'. Presentation to Information and Communication technologies & Society Center. Salzburg, 22 May, 2006.

Student works

Works by students at the Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo, related to the Mediatized Stories project with the master's couse Mediatized stories: Self-representations in digital storytelling: (available as pdf's):

Term paper: Michael Sonne E. Kristensen (2009) "Putting musical signification back into multimodal analysis" - Reflections on musical awareness in Digital Storytelling

Master's thesis: Karoline Tømte (2009) Bloggpraksis som lært selvrepresentasjon

Reports from research assistants (2009):
Catharina Kokkim: Utvikling og spredning av Klassiske Digitale Fortellinger på Internett,
Sissel Nyegaard-Larsen: Identity-work and networking at,
Magdalena Valcheva: In the pursuit of understanding the cyberself,
Mariya Valcheva: Playlistism: a means of identity expression and self-representation,
Kim Johansen Østby: Being Yourself in Alternate Universes - Methods of Expressing Identity in Online Fanfiction.

Published Nov. 9, 2010 11:15 AM - Last modified July 11, 2023 8:45 AM