Completed as part of Mediatized Stories

Editor: Knut Lundby

The third goal of the MEDIATIZED STORIES project was to analyse how self-representation in digital storytelling may build competence and media literacy through informal learning in mediation/mediatization processes.

Studies of risks and opportunities for children on the Internet has been included under this heading of informal learning. The doctoral dissertation on Children and the Internet: Risk, Regulation, Rights submitted by the project's PhD fellow Elisabeth Staksrud is the main work in this area. 

Another key contribution from the project on this goal is Sonia Livingstone's article 'Taking risky opportunities in youthful content creation: teenagers' use of social networking sites for intimacy, privacy and self-expression'. This article was originally published in the special section on mediatized stories in New Media & Society, vol. 10, no 3, June 2008. 

Picture of book: New media & society

Sonia Livingstone won the Open Access Week award at London School of Economics & Political Science for this article. It was the most downloaded item added in 2010 in LSE Reseach Online. Between February and September 2010 it was downloaded a total of 2065 times. This piece is also reproduced in The New Media and Cybercultures Anthology (ed. Nayar, P.K., Wiley-Blackwell, 2010) and is a available in an abridged Spanish version. This research from MEDIATIZED STORIES also gave material to chapter 4 on 'Communication and identity' in Livingstone's book on Children and the Internet (Cambridge, Polity, 2009). 

Collage for Space2cre8
Another significant study on informal learning through digital storytelling is the Space2cre8 project. MEDIATIZED STORIES came to provide the Norwegian link in this exchange of digital stories between kids in USA, South Africa, India and Norway. 

Other publications on Informal Learning through Digital Storytelling

Besides the above, the following publications could be mentioned.

Staksrud, E (forthcoming, 2012) Children and the Internet: Risk, Regulation, Rights. London., Ashgate

O'Neill, B., Staksrud, E., & McLaughlin, S. (Eds). (forthcoming, 2012). Promoting a safer internet for children: European policy debates and challenges. Göteborg: Nordicom.

Silseth, K. & O. Erstad (forthcoming, 2012). Mirroring the surfaces of the self - Exploring the literacy practices of digital storytelling. In B. Gentikow, E.G. Skogseth and S. Østerud (eds.) Literacy Practices in Late Modernity: Mastering Technological and Cultural Convergences. Cresskill NJ: Hampton Press.

Kaare, B. H & K. Lundby (2011).  Digitale trosfortellinger. Et forskerblikk. I A. Simonnes (red.) Digital trusopplæring. Trondheim: Tapir Akademisk.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Children and the Internet: Risk, Regulation, Rights. Dissertation submitted for the degree of PhD, Dept. of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.

Staksrud, E., Ólafsson, K., & Kirksæther, J. (2011). Risiko og trygghet for barn på Internett: Norske funn. Nasjonale funn fra EU Kids Online studien med 9-16 åringer og deres foreldre European Research on Cultural, Contextual and Risk Issues in Children’s Safe Use of the Internet and New Media (2006-2009). LSE, London: EU Kids Online.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Norske barn på Internett: Høy risiko - lite skade? Nordicom Information, 33(4): 59-70. 

Drotner, K. (2011). The cult of creativity: Opposition, incorporation, transformation. In J. Sefton Green, P. Thomson, L. Bresler & K. Jones (Eds) The Routledge International Handbook of Creative Learning. London: Routledge.

Drotner K. (2011). Domains of digital literacy learning: beyond easy oppositions. In S. Livingstone (Ed.) Media literacy: Ambitions, policies and measures. Brussels: Report from COST Action: Transforming Audiences, Transforming Societies.

Drotner, K. (2010) Democratic digital literacies: Three obstacles in search of a solution. In Ulla Carlsson (Ed.) Children and Youth in the Digital Media Culture: From a Nordic Horizon. Yearbook 2010 from the International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media. Gothenburg: Nordicom.

Drotner, K. & K. C. Schrøder (Eds) (2010). Digital Content Creation: Creativity, Competence, Critique. New York: Peter Lang.

Drotner, K., V. Duus & O. Erstad (2009) Evaluering af national digital læringsarena. Oslo: Rambøll.

Nyboe, L. (2009). Digital dannelse. Børns og unges mediebrug og -læring inden og uden for institutionerne. København: Frydenlund.

Staksrud, E. and S. Livingstone (2009). Children and online risk: Powerless victims or resourceful participants? Information, Communication & Society, 12(3): 364-387.

Nyboe, L. (2009). Digital produktion og æstetisk læring. Kapittel 5. In Digital dannelse: Børns og unge mediebrug og -læring inden for og uden for institutionerne, København: Frydenlund.

Kaare, B.H. (2008) Youth as Producers: Digital Stories of Faith and Life, Nordicom Review, 29(2): 189-201.

Drotner, K., H.S. Jensen & K.C. Schrøder (Eds) (2008). Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Drotner, K. (2008) Informal Learning and Digital Media: Perceptions, Practices and Perspectives. In Drotner, K, H.S. Jensen & K.C. Schrøder (Eds.) Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Sefton-Green, J. (2008) Informal learning: a solution in search of a problem?' In Drotner, K, H.S. Jensen & K.C. Schrøder (Eds) Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Livingstone, S. (2008) Engaging with media - A matter of literacy? Communication, Culture & Critique, 1(1), 49-60.

Livingstone, S. (2008) Internet literacy: Young people's negotiation of new online opportunities. In T. McPherson (Ed.), Unexpected outcomes and innovative uses of digital media by youth (101-121). MacArthur Foundation Series on Digital Media and Learning, Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. Available from

Livingstone, S. (2007) The challenge of engaging youth online: Contrasting producers' and teenagers' interpretations of websites. European Journal of Communication, 22(2): 165-184.

Livingstone, S. (2007) Youthful experts? A critical appraisal of children's emerging internet literacy, In Mansell, R. (Ed.) Oxford Handbook on ICTs. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Sefton-Green, J. & Soep, L. (2007) Creative Media Cultures: Making and Learning Beyond the School. In Bresler, L. (Ed.) International Handbook of Research in Arts Education. Dordrecht: Springer.

Gauntlett, D. (2007) Creative Explorations. New approaches to identities and audiences. London: Routledge.

Key presentations on on Informal Learning through Digital Storytelling

Staksrud, E. (2011). EU Safer Social Networking Principles: What are they, do they work, and do we need them? Keynote presented at the Norwegian National Moderators Conference, Kripos, Oslo.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Bullying on the Internet: The perspective of European children. Paper presented at the Tackling violence in schools. High-Level Expert meeting co-organised by the government of Norway, the Council of Europe and the UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children, Oslo, 27 June.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Presentation of EUkids II topline findings. Paper presented at the Meeting for staff Ministry of Education, Norway.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Presentation of EUkids II topline findings for Norway. Paper presented at the Stakeholder meeting, Norwegian Media Authority, Fredrikstad.

Staksrud, E. (2011). Top five risks in Norwegian children's childhood. Paper presented at the Barne- Ungdoms- og Familiedirektoratet [Children- Youth and Family Directorate], Oslo. 15 June.

Staksrud, E., & Livingstone, S. (2011). Online Risks Encountered on the Top 10 Social Networking Sites of Europe. Paper presented at the ICA, Boston, 27 May.

Staksrud, E., & Lobe, B. (2010). Protecting children online - Does self-regulation of social networking services work? Paper presented at the ECREA conference, Hamburg, 14 October.


International Communication Association (ICA), Singapore, 22.-26. June 2010:

Panel on Building Bridges of Meaning Across Distance and Difference: Studies of Youth-Designed Social Networking chaired by Mark Evan Nelson with these Mediatized Stories related entries:

• Glynda Hull and Mark Nelson on "Space2Cre8: Lessons Learned Thus Far"
• Stacy Marple (with Amy Stornaiuolo) on "Designful Play: Qualities of Youth Engagement With the Creation of an International Social Network"
• Kenneth Silseth and Kristin Vasbo (with Ola Erstad): "Creating Multiple Voices in the Classroom: Space2cre8 as a Facilitator for Negotiating Cultural Identity"
• Birgit Hertzberg Kaare and Catharina Kokkim: "Space to Create With Social Media in Global Classrooms"


Contributions at the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007:

Drotner, K. (2007): 'Literacy and media convergence'. Invited lecture to the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.

Nyboe, L. (2007): 'Authority, pedagogy and competence in young people's media production practices'. Presentation at the closing conference of the Competence and Media Convergence (CMC) research programme at the University of Oslo, November 2007.


The DREAM conference on 'Informal Learning and Digital Media: Constructions, Contexts and Consequences', Odense, Denmark, 21–23 September 2006. All five keynote presentations were given by members of the MEDIATIZED STORIES research team:

Drotner, K.: Informal learning and digital media: what's new? 

Livingstone, S.: Internet literacy? Researching young people's negotiation of new online opportunities. 

Sefton-Green, J.: Informal learning: a solution in search of a problem?

Hull, Glynda A.: Geographies of hope: creating new spaces for literacy, learning and community. 

Gee, J. P.: Learning is the engine that drives good video games. 

In addition, three papers were presented by MEDIATIZED STORIES members:

Nyboe, L.: 'Animation, interactive narration and multimodal learning'.

Bratteteig, T.: 'Inventing use: on complexities of design-use relationships'.

Kaare, B.H & K. Lundby:  'Constructing Digital Stories on faith and life'.

Published Dec. 27, 2011 10:43 AM - Last modified July 11, 2023 8:52 AM