Scientific Dissemination

Research publications

  • Tran, C., Smørdal, O. and Conley, AM. (2016) The Interaction between Design Features and Learners’ Goals: A Case Study of a Science Museum Game. ID&A Interaction design & architecture(s) Journal. 29. pp. 24-51. (link)
  • Krange, I., Silseth, K. & Pierroux, P. (2014). Students' sense-making processes on fieldtrips: A study of scaffolding conditions while interacting with science exhibits. Science Education. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Silseth, K. & Arnseth, H. C. (2014). Frames for learning science: Analyzing learner positioning in a technology-enhanced learning environment. Learning, Media and Technology. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Jornet, A. (2014). Bodily performances of coherence facilitation: The role of the body during teaching questioning in science classrooms. Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Jornet, A., Roth, W.-M., Krange, I. (2015). A transactional approach to transfer episodes. Journal of the Learning Sciences. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Bakken, S. M. & Pierroux, P. (2015 in press). Framing a topic: Mobile video tasks in museum learning. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction.
  • Tran, C., Lehman, B., Dockterman, D., Juul, J., D'Mello, S., & Graesser, A. (2013). The art of game failure: How it informs design for productive persistence in education. Games and Culture. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  • Jornet, A. & Roth, W-M. (In Press) The joint work of connecting multiple (re)presentationsl in science classrooms. Science Education.
  • Kluge, A., Krange, I., & Ludvigsen, S. (2014). Lärarens roll och design av lärandemiljöer. I Lantz-Andersson, A. och Säljö, R. (red.) (2014). Lärande i den uppkopplade skolan. Malmö: Gleerups.
  • Smørdal, O., Stuedahl, D., and Sem, I. (2014) Experimental Zones: Two Cases of Exploring Frames of Participation in a Dialogic Museum, Digital Creativity 25 (2), Special Issue: Designing for creative engagement in museums and cultural institutions.
  • Roth, W.-M. & Jornet, A. (2014). Towards a theory of experience. Science Education, 98, 106–126.
  • Jornet, A. & Jahreie, C. F. (2013). Designing hybrid learning environments in a science museum: Inter-professional conceptualisations of space. In Childs, M. and Peachey, A. (Eds) Understanding Learning in Vitual Worlds (pp. 41-63). London, UK: Springer-Verlag.
  • Roth, W.-M. & Jornet, A. (2013). Situated Cognition. WIREs Cognitive Science 4(5), 463-478.
  • Jahreie, C. F., Arnseth, H. C., Krange, I., Smørdal, O. & Kluge, A. (2011). Designing for play-based learning of concepts in science – Technological tools for bridging school and science museum contexts. Children, Youth, and Environments. 21 (2), 236–255. Special issue: Designing Environments to Promote Play-based Science Learning.
  • Jahreie, C. & Krange, I. (2011). Learning in Science Education across School and Science Museum – Design and Development Work in a Multiprofessional Group. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. 3: 174-188.


  • Jornet, A. (2015). The bodily and contextual foundations of conceptual coherence and continuity: Case studies from the teaching and learning in science inquiry. [Doctoral dissertation], University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway.
  • Swensen, K. V. (2014): Produksjon og bruk av tweets i læringsforløp: En kvalitativ studie av forsøk på kunnskapsoverføring mellom skole og vitensenter. Masteroppgave. Universitetet i Oslo: Institutt for Pedagogikk.
  • Holte, N. 2012. Brukerinvolverig i designprosesser - en kvalitativ studie av læreres deltakelse i designet av et læringsforløp. Materoppgave. Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for informatikk.

Conference papers

  • Swensen, K. V., Silseth, K. & Krange, I. (2014). Tweeting as a Tool for Learning Science: The Credibility of Student-Produced Knowledge Content in Educational Contexts. In Sánchez, I. A. & Isaías, P.  (eds).  Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Mobile Learning. Pp. 247-251.

Presentations at seminars and conferences

  • Arnseth, H.C. (2014). Presentation of the MIRACLE project to visitors from the Centre for Innovation in Education (CIE), Tallinn University.
  • Krange, I. (2014). Field Trips to Science Museums: A Study of Students’ Sense-Making when Interacting with Exhibits. AERA - Session: "Space and Technologies for Learning in Schools, Museums and Workplaces:  Recent Approaches in Design-Based Research." Philadelphia Pennsylvania. April 3.-7.
  • Swensen, K. V., Silseth, K. & Krange, I. (2014). The Credibility of Student-produced knowledge content in Educational Contexts. International Conference Mobile Learning 2014 – Session: "Mobile social media and user generated content // Socio-cultural context and implications of mLearning". Madrid, Spain. February 28 – March 2.
  • Swensen, K. V. (2014). Chair: "Evaluation and assessment of mLearning" International Conference Mobile Learning 2014. Madrid, Spain. February 28 – March 2.
  • Silseth, K. 2014: Spillbasert læring. Foredrag under offisiell åpning av Kommunespillet, 21. januar, KS-besøkssenter, Oslo.
  • Krange, I. 2013. A Learning Miracle. Imporving Conceptual Learning by Designing and Using digital and Analogue  Devices in formal settings. ONLINE EDUCA BERLIN, 2013-12-05.
  • Hetland, P. og Mørch, A. (2013) "Second Life, Virtual Ethnography, Universal Design, Miracle, Contact, and Ark & App" Presentation of Six Research Activities at InterMedia UiO, ENS Lyon, France, November 26.
  • Silseth, K. 2013. Spillbasert læring i skolen: Muligheter og utfordringer for læreren. Presentasjon på Skolelederkonferansen: Skolen i digital utvikling, 14. november, 2013.
  • Haavie, J. 2013. Presentasjon av to interaktive prototyper som omhandler klimautfordringen. Vitensenterseminar i regi av Miljøverndepartementet. 24. oktober, Teknisk museum, Norge.
  • Krange, I. 2013. Making design experiments informed by learning Research. PhD Seminar: Learning perspective for media design for museum, science centers and Heritage.Department of Educational Research. University of Oslo. September 26, 2013.
  • Arnseth, H. C. 2013. Presentation and discussion of paper: Learning about energy and energy transformation: analyzing the construction of coherent meaning making of science concepts at LCHC (Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition). May 30. University of California San Diego.
  • Krange, I. (2013). Session (convenor): Bridging schools, science centers, and companies with ICT. Ecsite Annual Conference: Dreams, the spirit of innovation (Ecsite 2013). June 6-8, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    • Andersson, J. A. (2013). The developing of and the use of ICT tools for the new exhibition Energy Fairground - the future of energy on earth at the Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology, challenges and happy ending? Ecsite Annual Conference: Dreams, the spirit of innovation (Ecsite 2013). June 6-8, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    • Bakken, S.-M. (2013) Exploring how ICT may be used for connecting students’ experiences in schools and museums. Technologies include iPods, iPads, and SciWork – a shared platform for collecting and sharing information. Ecsite Annual Conference: Dreams, the spirit of innovation (Ecsite 2013). June 6-8, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    • Bakken, S.-M. (2013) Video app for students - design and observations of use. Ecsite Annual Conference: Dreams, the spirit of innovation (Ecsite 2013). June 6-8, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Tran, C. & Smørdal, O. (2013). Motivated interactions with digital games in a science center. Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference. June 15-19, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Tran, C., Lehman, B., Dockterman, D., Juul, J., D'Mello, S., & Graesser, A. (2013). Designing for productive failure. Games, Learning, and Society Conference. June 12-14, Madison, Wisconsin.
  • Jornet, A.& Krange, I. (2013). Learning's MIRACLE: re-contextualizing experiences for learning abstract concepts. Seminar. April 23. L'Institute Française du Education, Lyon, France.
  • Arnseth, H. C. 2012. Presentation and discussion of video-data with Professor Jay Lemke, October 26. University of California San Diego.
  • Arnseth, H. C. 2012. Presentation of the MIRACLE at LCHC (Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition). October 2. University of California San Diego.
  • Smørdal, O., Slotta, J., Moher, T., Lui, M. & Jornet, A. (2012) Symposium: Hybrid spaces for science learning - New demands and opportunities for research. 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences : The Future of Learning (ICLS 2012). July 2 - 6, Sydney, Australia.
    • Jornet, A. (2012) Integrating physical experiences and digital visualizations in collaborative inquiry learning across contexts. 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences : The Future of Learning (ICLS 2012). July 2 - 6, Sydney, Australia
    • Smørdal, O. & Slotta, J. (2012) Science Hub: A digital medium for supporting 
collective science inquiry in hybrid spaces. 10th International Conference of the Learning Sciences : The Future of Learning (ICLS 2012). July 2 - 6, Sydney, Australia.
  • Arnseth, H. C. (2012). New forms of technology-enhanced learning experiences in and across school and museum settings. The VERDIKT Conference April 26, 2012, Gardermoen, Norway.
  • Jahreie, C. F. (2012): Hvor er pedagogikken i innovativ utdanning? Foredrag på famøte for Norsk Forbund for Fjernundervisning og Fleksibel Utdanning (NFF) 26 april 2012.
  • Kluge, Anders, Krange, Ingeborg (2012) How to link different interactive models of the same phenomena. 22. March 2012. INREMO seminar InterMedia, UiO

For a complete list of presentations at seminars and conferences click here.

Published June 17, 2013 10:19 AM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2016 1:07 PM