

The MIRACLE project consists of people with different disciplinary backgrounds including learning science theory, science education, ICT design research and artwork, as well as architecture and technology. This cross-disciplinarity is vital to carrying out a research based design in developing the MIRACLE learning platform, as well as interpreting how this platform is used in real educational settings.

Participants at University of Oslo

  • InterMedia has had the responsibility of designing and integrating the technology with the research approach, organizing the data collection periods, and following up with the dissemination of the findings.
    • Dr. Ingeborg Krange, project leader and researcher
    • Dr. Anders Kluge, researcher
    • The EngageLab represented by Dr. Jeremy Toussaint, Dr. Ole Smørdal. MA. Edith Isdal, MSc. Mohammad Fahid, MSc. Richard Naess
    • MA. Alfredo Jornet Gil, PhD student
    • MSc. Sven Magne Bakken, PhD student
  • The Department of Educational Research will take part in designing and integrating the technology in accordance with the research approach, organizing the data collection periods, and following up with the dissemination of the findings.
    • Dr. Hans Christian Arnseth, researcher
    • Kaja Vembe Swensen, master student
  • The Department of Informatics will take part in analyzing data gathered from workshops during the design process.
    • Nora Holte, master student (completed)

External partners

  • Storm Studios Ltd has taken part in the concept development and created necessary visual design and artwork to support the digital energy models. Storm Studio has received several awards for their animations including an Oscar for the short film "Peter and the wolf".
  • Norvegian Science and Technology Museum (NSTM) is hosting the “EnergiTivoli” exhibition, supported the content production, technology adaptation, and shared of its experience in exhibition design. Museums’ curators has also taken part during the data collection periods.
  • CoDesign is an architecture firm located in Stockholm and has provided services in experience and exhibition design. They have together with NSTM bene responsible for the design and development of the “EnergiTivoli” exhibition. CoDesign has collaborated closely with the NSTM on a previous exhibition “Klima X”. This exhibition received several awards.
  • Teacher stakeholders has taken part during concept development and played an important role during data collection periods.
  • Student stakeholders has taken part in workshops and during data collection periods.

Reference group

The reference group consists of leading international technology-enhanced learning researchers, museum researchers, and computer scientists. These are:

  • Dr Julia Gillen, Linguistics and English Language, Lancaster University, England.
  • Dr Annika Lantz-Anderson, LinCS, Department of Education, Communication and Learning, University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
  • Director Halina Gottlieb, Digital Heritage Centre, Sweden.
  • Professor Sten Ludvigsen, InterMedia, University of Oslo, Norway.
  • Professor Morten Dælen, Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, Norway.

The group has been invited to take part at seminars, workshops, and as referees on papers. These seminars will both be arranged in face-to-face settings and by using Skype meetings.


Published June 17, 2013 10:19 AM - Last modified Oct. 16, 2015 12:26 PM