Best Paper Award at the ReLIVE11 Conference

Alfredo Jornet and Cecilie Jahreie have been awarded Best Paper contribution at the ReLIVE11 conference.

Few weeks ago we posted our forthcoming participation at the ReLIVE11 conference. We are now very happy to announce that Alfredo Jornet and Cecilie Jahreie have been awarded the Springer ReLIVE11 Best Paper Award, on behalf of Springer London Ltd., for their contribution "Designing for immersive learning experiences across school and museum" (Jornet & Jahreie, 2011). In the paper, Jornet and Jahreie explore how the concept of "space" is co-constructed in the multi-professional design work that we perform in MIRACLE. In their analysis of video-recordings of the design meetings and workshops, the authors, using Cultural Historical Activity Theory (Engeström, 1987) as a theoretical framework, identify key aspects in the negotiations and discussions about the affordances of the museum's space for technology implementations. In line with previous work on Developmental Work Research, it is argued that a design strategy that includes understandings of the design process as a situated, socio-cultural process, allows for innovative implementations in immersive learning environments.

The prize entitles the winners with Springer books to the value of 150£, and the authors have been invited to submit their work for publication on a new Springer "Immersive Environments" series to be launched in 2012.


Published June 17, 2013 10:19 AM