Narrahand (completed)

About the project

We explore the making of a collaborative fictional narrative on GPS mobile phones authored by young adult African immigrants in Oslo. A wiki is used to link online reflections on shared making and use.


  • to develop a wiki and GPS platform for the development of a mobile narrative system
  • to build a jointly authored collaborative locative fiction work
  • to establish core concepts and design patterns in production based research into shared meaning making via mobile technologies
  • to study wiki-based reflections on collaborative construction, identity and mediation.

Drawing on a sociocultural perspective and social semiotics of Communication Design, research is being carried out into collaborative, mobile authoring, genre and GPS based narratives, identity and wiki-based meta reflection.

Theory and methods

Based on a wiki and programmed in JAVA NarraHand makes use of contemporary maps and a metaphorical, poetic visual overlay. It encompasses a variety of media types. Seen as a digital design experiment, the collaborative fiction is accessible on smartphones (with GPS) as well as via a web-based wiki. In the latter it is posibble for a wider public to both access the narrative an to add comments. The makers of NarraHand also use the wiki to reflect on their design and collaborative processes of mediated meaning making. Production based inquiry sits behind the development of Narrahand as do the changing kinetic and locative practices of multimodal multimediational literacies.


  • Faster Imaging
  • KHiO

Funding and timeframe

Funded by: Intermedia, Inventio (NFR) and YOUrban (NFR)

Timeframe : 2006-2012

Related projects

MULTIMO - researching multimodal discourses
INVENTIO - Theory and Practice of Designing Digital Genres for Learning and Leisure
YOUrban: social media & performativity in urban environments


  • Morrison, A, Havnør, M, Sem, I. Devron, T., Touissaint, J. & Smørdal, O. & Eikenes, J.O. 2008. NarraHand. A mobile GPS-based colaborative fiction.
  • Narrahand wiki site. Wiki-centred online mediation and site for wider reflection of the mobile fiction Narrahand, designed for mobiel phone access.
  • Morrison, A. NarraHand. presentation of Narrahand at Intermedia 10 years jubilee, InterMedia
  • Morrison A. 2008. 'Designing Narrahand'. Research seminar presentation. Inventio project seminar. Stanford University USA, 15-16 May.
  • research papers in development.


Published Nov. 10, 2010 10:27 AM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2022 8:44 PM


Project Leader Andrew Morrison


  • Idunn Sem University of Oslo
  • Jeremy Toussaint University of Oslo
  • Ole Smørdal University of Oslo
  • Thomas Drevon
Detailed list of participants