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Changing competence requirements in public services: Consequences of digitization in general and highly specialized work (CORPUS)

The CORPUS project will generate new knowledge about how work-related skills and competencies are transformed in specific ways as a consequence of digitization processes in the public health services.

Two hospital employees looking at a digital deveice. Photo.

It is commonly argued that the intensified use of digital technologies generate changes in work practices. Photo: Colourbox

About the project

It is commonly argued that the intensified use of digital technologies generate changes in work practices. Such changes relate to ways of accessing information and coordinating work, ways of working with clients, and ways of performing human judgement.

However, there is a lack of knowledge about how these developments play out in specific work settings and what the changes imply for workers’ opportunities to engage, learn and stay included in professional communities over time.

The CORPUS project will generate new knowledge on skills requirements and learning in the public health services, by conducting close-up studies on how digitization generates changes in work organization and task distribution, what competences are needed to cope with and resolve these challenges, and what learning opportunities are afforded in everyday work.

CORPUS examines work and learning in settings where new technologies for service coordination and delivery are recently designed, implemented or reinvented for specific use. The project conducts fieldwork in two cases in the City of Oslo. One case follows the design, development and implementation of ELISE, a digital technology to facilitate information flow and coordination when patients move between units. The other case follows knowledge sharing and collaborative practice development within and between selected city districts, where new care technologies are taken into use in clients’ homes and changes the way health services are provided.


The CORPUS project is an interdisciplinary collaboration between the Departments of Education and Informatics at the University of Oslo. It includes collaboration with users and stakeholders, as well as comparisons to other Nordic contexts. The results of CORPUS will be valuable for work organizations and for the further development of lifelong learning policies, by providing advice for how inclusion and continuous learning can be supported among workers of various background in the public services and beyond.


The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway through the programme Welfare, working life and migration (VAM)


The project collaborates with existing projects in Finland and Sweden


View all works in Cristin

  • Sadorge, Christopher & Nerland, Monika (2023). Professional Learning in Design Work: Developing Patient Information Systems through Object Construction.
  • Nerland, Monika; Hasu, Mervi & Grisot, Miria (2023). Discourses of Digitalisation and the Positioning of Workers in Primary Care: A Norwegian Case .
  • Nerland, Monika (2023). Exploring professional knowing and learning in local and extended contexts of practice.
  • Nerland, Monika; Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra & Hasu, Mervi (2023). Relational meta-work emerging during technology integration in primary care.
  • Nerland, Monika; Aanestad, Margunn; Hasu, Mervi ; Grisot, Miria & Sundt-Ohlsen, Harald (2023). Nye kompetansebehov i helsesektorens digitaliseringsprosesser. .
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Mäkitalo, Åsa (2022). New challenges for health professionals.
  • Sadorge, Christopher (2022). Collaborative work in designing a system for patient information sharing in health care.
  • Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra; Hasu, Mervi & Nerland, Monika (2022). Reorganising practices in digitalising primary health services: The concerns of welfare technology coordinators.
  • Hasu, Mervi & Saari, Eveliina (2022). Localising strategies in the early phase of digitalisation in primary health organisations. Case examples from Norway and Finland .
  • Hasu, Mervi ; Nerland, Monika & Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra (2022). How does welfare technology change work and competence in the services? Presentation of preliminary research results and interactive seminar.
  • Mäkitalo, Åsa & Dalevi, Linn (2022). Mastering care? Welfare technologies in health care team decision practices.
  • Brandenberger, Isabel Alexandra & Hasu, Mervi (2021). Implementing technologies as renegotiating of responsibilities: a study of the emerging work role of the welfare technology coordinator in municipal health care.
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Mäkitalo, Åsa (2021). Negotiating categories in design work. A study of a team developing a patient information system .
  • Sadorge, Christopher; Nerland, Monika & Mäkitalo, Åsa (2021). Categorisation work in the design of health information systems.
  • Nerland, Monika (2020). Reconfiguring relations between higher education and work: Knowledge practices and learning in the (post)digital era.
  • Dæhlen, Åsmund (2020). MECHANISMS OF DEMOCRATIC DESIGN - Rethinking large scale Participatory Design.
  • Liljeros, Linn & Hasu, Mervi (2022). Integrering av velferdsteknologi – En kvalitativ casestudie av hvordan to kommunale aktører bidrar til utviklingen av fremtidens hjemmetjeneste. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Hasu, Mervi & Kilander, Bendik Runesønn (2021). Velferdsteknologi og digital opplæring i helsesektoren. Pedagogiske aspekter og tilrettelegging rundt nettkurs på bydelsnivå i Oslo kommune. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Sciuto, Katarina; Winsnes, Sigurd; Nerland, Monika & Hasu, Mervi (2021). Profesjonell agency i digitale arbeidskontekster. En kvalitativ intervjustudie blant ansatte i kommunehelsetjenesten. Universitetet i Oslo.

View all works in Cristin

Published June 12, 2019 1:45 PM - Last modified Oct. 30, 2023 3:40 PM


Project leader

Monika Nerland




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Detailed list of participants