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Conservation subject: History of Technology

The conservation subject “History of Technology” has an extensive and fact-heavy curriculum. Experience shows that many students start preparing for exams too late, and their answers are often superficial and incomplete. It was tested whether Talkwall could be used to encourage students to work regularly with the material and, through dialogue and short texts, create a draft of a more complete answer to exam questions.

The students are divided into groups of 4 or 5 students, and each group is assigned an exam question. The students are tasked with preparing for the seminar individually by reading the curriculum and writing short messages on their group’s Talkwall about points they believe are important to include in the answer. During the seminar, the groups discuss the posts, fill in information, create a structure by moving microblogs around on the Talkwall, and add explanatory images if necessary. In plenary, the groups present their answers and receive feedback from fellow students and the instructor on how the answer could be improved. The Talkwalls are accessible to students throughout the semester and are also copied by the instructor and published in Canvas for later use.

In the evaluation of the setup, most students reported that they read parts of the curriculum and wrote short notes before the seminar. Dialogue in the groups was useful for identifying what they did not understand, expanding their knowledge, and discussing aloud made it easier to remember. Through collaborative writing, the knowledge became more concrete. It was helpful to have everything collected in one place and to result in a text that students could refer back to when preparing for exams. The plenary exercise provided students with insights into how the answer could be structured and improved.

Published June 10, 2024 5:47 PM - Last modified June 13, 2024 3:42 PM