

Time and place: , Domus Bibliotheca

Hvordan påvirker forskere utdanningspolitikken, og hvilken innflytelse har de egentlig?

Time and place: , The Helga Eng Building, University of Oslo

The POLNET project is pleased to invite you to the final research conference in Oslo.

Time and place: , Zoom and Helga Engs house, Seminarrom 231

Welcome to an open lecture where Christian Ydesen explores the governing complex in education, applying a historical approach.

Time and place: , Zoom and Helga Engs house, Seminarrom 231

Welcome to this guest lecture by Íris Santos, Post Doc, Tampere University, who will talk about how external references to international organizations and societies are used to authorize as well as de-legitimize arguments in policy making processes.

Time and place: , Zoom and Helga Engs house, Seminarrom 231

Welcome to an open lecture where Gita Steiner-Khamsi will talk about the excessive amount of reform movements in education and how they pull practitioners and planners into different directions and create contradictory situations.

Time and place: , Centro Cívico - Casa Orlandai, Barcelona, Spain

POLNET members attended the Reformed Project Final Conference & Workshops which took place from June 15 to 17 in Barcelona, Spain. We shared the preliminary findings from the second phase of the POLNET project as well as our individual ongoing work.

Time and place: , H208, University of Iceland – School of Education

POLNET organized a symposium entitled “Approaches to historical research on education reforms, policy, and politics in the Nordic context and beyond” at the annual meeting for the Nordic Educational Research Association.

Time and place: , Central Hotel Miðgarður

A day before NERA 2022, POLNET organized a workshop with its Nordic team members to exchange knowledge on the ongoing subprojects and discuss future collaboration.

Time and place: , Helga Engs hus, Room 241 and Zoom

POLNET held a book launch seminar on the findings from the recently published book "Evidence and Expertise in Nordic Education Policy."

Time and place: , Tampere University’s EDU’s cafe (Åkerlundinkatu 5)

POLNET member Saija Volmari presented "Policy Knowledge and the Emergent Expert: Finnish Curriculum Reform in an Era of International Comparison."

Time and place: , Åkerlundinkatu 5, Tampere Auditorium 109, Virta building

POLNET Member Íris Santos successfully defended her Ph.D. dissertation entitled "Externalisations in the Portuguese Parliament and Print Media: A complexity approach to education policymaking processes" on March 17, 2022.

Time and place: , Symposium Room O77

POLNET will hold a symposium entitled “Translating Education Policy Knowledge: A Comparison within and across the Nordic Region” at the annual meeting for the Nordic Educational Research Association.


POLNET will have a paper symposium entitled "Tracing the Formation and Utilization of Policy Knowledge and Research in Nordic Education Policy” at the European Conference on Educational Research 2021.

Time and place: , Zoom Room 103

POLNET will have a paper session entitled "Tracing the Formation and Utilization of Evidence in Nordic Education Policy" at the annual meeting for the Comparative & International Education Society. Our session is selected as the highlighted session for the Globalization & Education SIG.


POLNET team will hold a symposium entitled “Did the Nordic Model Survive? A comparative-historical analysis of school reform policy” at the NordEd conference on April 22, 2021.

Time and place: , University of Oslo

We are thrilled to welcome Chanwoong Baek and Gunnlaugur Magnússon to the POLNET project! The scholars will contribute to understanding education policy knowledge and networks within and across the Nordic region.


POLNET's Virtual Research Workshop brings together scholars to discuss the important findings and contributions of its book project.


POLNET organized a symposium and presented its research findings at the annual meeting of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) in Turku, Finland

Time and place: , Mövenpick Hotel Hamburg

The POLNET project organized a workshop to explore how bibliometric data and findings can be compared accross the Nordic countries.

Time and place: , Hyatt Regency, San Francisco

How do policy makers and experts draw on regional and/or international knowledge when they formulate policies for national school reforms? What counts for them as evidence and expertise? Research findings and questions were discussed in a double symposium organized by the POLNET project at the Annual Conference for the Comparative & International Education Society in San Francisco.

Time and place: , Blåsenhus, Uppsala University

After two days of intense discussions and planning of future publications, the research group organised a double symposium at the Annual meeting of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA).

Time and place: , Hotel von Kraemer

From the 4th until the 5th of March the POLNET research group met to share ideas and preliminary findings. The team discussed how bibliometric network analysis can be used to identify prominent knowledge sources in governmental documents on past and ongoing school reforms within the Nordic region. We decided to co-write an international book on evidence-use and the role of expertise in policy-making processes.