Open lecture with Íris Santos: Externalization to international elements in education policymaking

Welcome to this guest lecture by Íris Santos, Post Doc, Tampere University, who will talk about how external references to international organizations and societies are used to authorize as well as de-legitimize arguments in policy making processes.

Network of people seen from above

(Illustration: Orbon Alija, Getty Images)


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In this lecture, I will delve into the intricate dynamics arising from interactions among global, national, and local actors in policymaking processes. I will discuss how international elements, including other countries and regions, such as Finland or the “European countries” (reference societies), international organizations (such as the OECD), and their reports (such as OECD’s country reports), as well as international assessments (such as PISA), play a crucial role in either legitimizing or delegitimizing policy ideas and proposals that encounter challenges in garnering the necessary consensus for initiating change.

Moreover, for these international elements to be effective, they must be perceived as authoritative by the audiences addressed by the speaker. The lecture will scrutinize the factors influencing policy and media actors in selecting specific international elements, to serve as evidence claims and authoritative tools that strengthen these actors’ arguments. These factors are ultimately related to local societal conditions and the audiences’ perceptions and expectations.

Given the complexity of education policymaking, which involves numerous interactions among actors situated at various local, national, and global levels, each advocating for different and sometimes opposing policy reforms, the primary objective of externalization is to aid in managing the contingency of the policy process and reducing its complexity. 

Speaker: Íris Santos

Image may contain: Necklace, Cheek, Smile, Lip, Chin.

Íris Santos (Photo: Tampere University)

Íris Santos is a postdoctoral research fellow at the Faculty of Administration and Business, Tampere University, Finland. She recently (March 2022) defended her PhD dissertation titled Externalisations in the Portuguese Parliament and print media: A complexity approach to education policymaking processes, which presents an analysis of the complex dynamics emerging from the interactions between global, national, and local actors in policymaking processes in Portugal. Presently her research focuses more on a) the role of national experts in international organizations and b) the implications of these organizations’ initiatives in education development of the Global South. Her research interests are broadly speaking on comparative education, education policymaking, and in the global-local nexus in education governance and policy. Before working in academia at Tampere University, she worked for 13 years as a kindergarten teacher and a special education teacher in both, Portugal and Finland.

Practical information

The lecture will be in English.

This is an open lecture, no registration is required.


This lecture is part of the PhD course Travelling reforms, policy processes and international knowledge transfer, and is one of the activities finalising the interntional research project Policy Knowledge and Lesson Drawing in Nordic School Reform in an Era of International Comparison (POLNET), funded by the Research Council of Norway.

Published Nov. 16, 2023 9:21 PM - Last modified Nov. 27, 2023 12:18 PM