POLNET at CIES 2019: Internationalization and Comparative Perspectives

How do policy makers and experts draw on regional and/or international knowledge when they formulate policies for national school reforms? What counts for them as evidence and expertise? Research findings and questions were discussed in a double symposium organized by the POLNET project at the Annual Conference for the Comparative & International Education Society in San Francisco.

Image may contain: Presentation, Design, Event, Adaptation.

Trine Juul Reder, Ph.D. candidate, Aalborg University

Policy Knowledge Networks and Lesson Drawing in an Era of International Comparison

Formal Panel Session, Atrium (Level 2) - Waterfront B

Chairs : Berit Karseth, University of Oslo Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Teachers College, Columbia University

Participants :

Interpreting References as a Technology of Authorization - Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Teachers College, Columbia University

Evidence-based Policy Making: Understanding Different Types of Knowledge in Policy Process - Chanwoong Baek, Teachers College, Columbia University

Reform of 2015/2018, the renewal entitled: A gathering for school - National strategy for knowledge and equivalence - Andreas Nordin, Linnaeus University

Policy Knowledge in the Finnish Curriculum Reform –Iris Santos, University of Tampere

Knowledge sources in crafting school reform policy: The case of Norway - Kirsten Sivesind, University of Oslo; Berit Karseth, University of Oslo

Global Influences of the 2013 Danish Public School Reform - Trine Juul Reder, Aalborg University; Christian Ydesen, Aalborg University

Discussants: Justin JW Powell, University of Luxembourg and Robin Shields, University of Bath



University of Oslo in collaboration with TC Columbia University and four Nordic partner universities: Aalborg University, University of Tampere, Linnaeus University, University of Iceland
Tags: Comparative and international studies, Comparative Education, comparative studies, Policy Knowledge, School Reform, School Reforms
Published Sep. 24, 2019 3:20 PM - Last modified Mar. 31, 2021 12:11 PM