Formation project seminar

“Formation and Competence Building of University Academic Developers” welcomes all project participants to spring seminar in Oslo.

Program for the seminar

Names in parenthesis; those responsible for leading the respective discussion

Tuesday, May 31

Room 595

Attendees: Those who are involved in papers at ECER

11.00-12.00:   Welcome and progress reports on the papers from lead authors

12.00-13.00:   Lunch at Campus Café

13.00-17.00:   Work shop with papers

19.00 à           Dinner at a restaurant down town for whole project group

Wednesday, June 1

Room 595

Attendees: Whole project group

09.00- 09.15:   Welcome and agenda (Tone) + presentation around the table. Ester’s and Johan’s first meeting.

  • Ester will present her doctoral work Taking responsibility toward the public: University academics’ imaginaries and experiences (15 minutes)
  • Johan will introduce some critical reflections on “constructive alignment” (15 minutes)

09.45 -10.15:   Phase 1: Status and brief reports

  • Report on literature review (p. 1 in AP) Ciaran)
  • Report on map and analysis of university leaders’ strategies (p. 2 in AP) (Ciaran)
  • Report on mapping and analysis of: 1) how university aspirations are interpreted by academic developers, 2) the formation of academic developers in five universities, in particular how they believe their values, goals and aspirations change in the course of their work, 3) how academic developers enact their values, goals, and aspirations in their work with university teachers or leaders. (p. 2 in AP) (Tone)

10.15-10.30:   Break

10.30-12.00:   Discussion on activities: (with reference to activity plan - AP)

  • Discussion on from the template on the context of universities that the “insiders” completed (Molly)
  • Discussion on how to proceed with mapping of values and aspirations of five universities (p. 1-2 in AP) (Molly)
  • Next meeting in Cape Town – and other conferences (Molly)

12.00-13.00:   Lunch at Campus Café

13.00-15.00:   Discussion on activities: (See activity plan p.1 in - AP)

  • Discussion and practical work on how we will use deliberative communication in the project group and how we can document the process (Tomas, 45 minutes)
  • Questions about how we will use DC or not use it (Tone, 10 minutes):
  1. What is our shared understanding of when and when not to use DC?
  2. How will we report on using DC to the NRC and in publications?
  • Discussion as a whole group or first in small groups and then the whole group

15.00-15.30:   Break and checking email

15.30-16.30:   Discussion on net activities

  • Discussion on how to keep the web-site alive (p.1 in AP) (Ciaran, Ulf)
  • Discussion on technical challenges with net meetings and End Note (Tone/UiO IT; Mikkel and Tore)

16.30-17.00:   Summing up our work today and plan for tomorrow

19.00à            Dinner at Tone’s home: Project group + Suresh, Kari-Anne and Ulf + Mikkel/Tore. Bring swimming suit if you want to test the pool!

Thursday June 2

Room 494

09.00-09.15:   Welcome

09.15-10.00:   Discussion on activities

  • Discussion on how to proceed to develop our community of practice according to our definition on our website (Tone and Ragnhild)

10.00-10.15:   Break

10.15-12.00:   Phase 2: Interventions

1) Develop a base line for interventions by using reflective deliberative communication in order to prepare for the development of intervention options for UiO & UiT (p.3 in AP) (Andreas)

12.00-13.00:   Lunch at Campus Café

13.00-13.45:   Dissemination plan (p. in AP) (Ciaran/Tone)

13.45-14.30:   Discussion on how to document our own formation (Molly)

14.30-14.45:   Break

14.45-15.15:   Schedule for interventions (Andreas)

15.15-16.00:   Summing up and future work, progress plan….   

Work to be done in advance                                                            

  • Read the project description
  • Read the activity plan

In order to be able to evaluate how the work moves on, it is essential that all keep in mind the project’s overall aim, objectives and activity plan. As our design is both complex with some having double roles it is absolutely essential to reread and bring the project description and activity plan to our meeting. These documents will help us stay on the core project track!


Published May 30, 2016 2:13 PM - Last modified Aug. 31, 2016 11:29 AM