Formation project seminar

“Formation and Competence Building of University Academic Developers” welcomes all project participants to late summer seminar in Oslo.



Wednesday 30. August

11.00 - 11.30: Welcome and agenda

11.30 - 12.00: Paper progress

  • All authors provide a brief status report on the progress of papers and concrete timeline plans for when and where to be submitted.  For our common learning outcome and also to consider whether we use the time we have committed to the project and invest in face to face meetings most efficient, it is important also to critically discuss the “outcome” of spending time on paper feedback in seminars as done in May seminar, or other ways of ensuring good collaborative processes on papers.   

12.00 - 12.45: Lunch

12.50 - 13.20: Conclusion on publication plan (journals and book)

13.20 - 16.30: Deliberation on interventions (40 mins per intervention)

  • 13.20 - 14.00: Intervention 1 UiT: Ragnhild/Trine and researchers Kristin and Ester
  • 14.00 - 14.40: Intervention 2 UiO: Ester with researchers Johan and Trine
  • 14.40 - 14.50: Coffee
  • 14.50 - 15.30: Intervention 3 UiO: Tone with researchers Andreas and Ragnhild
  • 15.30 - 16.10: Intervention 4 UU:  Johan with researchers Andreas and Tone
  • 16.10 - 16.50: Intervention 5 OU:  Kristin with researchers Molly and Tomas


19.00:  Dinner for whole project group incl. Kari-Anne, Suresh, Ulf

  • At Tone’s incl swimming if wanted (remember swim suit – just in caseJ) if weather allows / Alternative restaurant down town

Thursday 31

08.45 - 12.00: Deliberation on interventions continue with focus on method and analysis

  • 08.45 - 09.30: Discussion of intervention method.
  • 09.30 - 10.00: Identification of sequences ‘apt for analysis of DC’ from previous video recorded meetings. Tomas demonstrates and opens up for further discussion on how to do analysis of video data.
  • 10.00 - 10.15: Break / Coffee
  • 10.15 - 11.00: “Video analysis” continues in sub groups
  • 11.00 - 12.00: Plenary discussion on how to document interventions and develop the research on intervention papers studies

12.00 - 13.00: Lunch

13.00 - 14.30: Process evaluation of project Individual reflection and plenary discussion

  • the progress of tasks as defined within project plan
  • distribution of responsibilities  + specific focus on our Formation/Competence building, DC, Collaboration, development of CoP  
  • way forward

14.30 - 14.45: Break / Coffee

14.45 - 15.30: AOB

15.30 - 15.45: Summing up and schedule net meetings and next Oslo seminar.

Work to be done in advance


As earlier decided interventions, shall be presented in the meeting. Thus, after deliberations with Ciaran and Ester (not all are reachable in early August J), I ask everybody responsible for his/her intervention to distribute a description of the intervention as precise as possible before we meet.

The note should include aims, activities, how co-researchers are involved and a tentative (though quite correct) time schedule. Also describe how you believe the intervention may help you “achieve”/orient towards the aims/objectives as defined in project plan at web site.

As the interventions are at THE CORE of the FORMATION project, (as competence building in our project is defined as the Formation of ADs), how we plan, enact and critically evaluate our practice/interventions and our values etc. with the help of deliberative communication, is definitely the most CRUCIAL phase of the whole project. The interventions, and what we learn from them, constitute the substantial empirical data and are fundamental for outcome of the project published in articles and a possible book.  

Please DISTRIBUTE your note on this this to all by latest Friday August 25!

By giving us all the chance to read and reflect upon the interventions and our roles as AD and/or researcher in advance, I hope that the deliberations we will have during the seminar on the interventions will be experienced as both meaningful and helpful and not least as a positive “driving force” for the future process – for all of us.

We will also spend some time on discussing method during the seminar, and those of you who have adequate literature on method, please DISTRIBUTE in advance if possible or bring to seminar.


Each author group prepare a brief status on the progress of the paper since May meeting and the plan for finalizing and publication.

Analysis of DC

The preparation here is for Ulf, Ester and Tomas only. Ester/Ulf see to that video recording of previous meetings are accessible at the web site, and Tomas will identify sequences apt for analysis of DC.

Published Aug. 17, 2017 12:41 PM - Last modified Oct. 9, 2023 9:38 AM