Learning About Quality (LEAQ) (completed)

The primary aim of this "Utdanning 2020" pre-project is to identify existing macro- and meso-level data, as well as some examples from micro-level data, on learning outcomes in the Norwegian higher education system, and to categorise and analyse the potential of these data as an input for a broader and more thorough theoretical understanding and analysis of student learning as this might be expressed through the launching of a national qualification framework.

Important objectives

  • To pave the way for a full-scale research proposal on student learning that has a solid theoretical and methodological basis
  • To provide a comprehensive empirical framework for documenting and analysing the long-term effects of the national qualification framework – at both institutional and student level
  • To stimulate to a cooperation between two of the leading Norwegian research groups on quality and learning in higher education (Department of Educational Research at the University of Oslo and NIFU – The Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education)


The proposed pre-project takes as point of departure that learning outcomes can be defined and understood in different ways. We argue that multiple perspectives on how learning outcomes are interpreted could be enriching for Norwegian higher education - especially with respect to the on-going implementation of a national qualification framework, and for researching on the possible effects of the qualification framework on the sector. At the same time; much of the data that addresses quality issues in Norwegian higher education is not analysed in a student learning context, and related research domains and empirical findings within higher education are kept separate. The project will outline these research domains and assess their findings to broaden our understanding of the relation between “quality”  learning, and formation and how this can be assessed and improved in Norwegian higher education


The project is funded by the Research Council under the programme "Utdanning 2020".


Download project report here (.pdf)


Published Apr. 1, 2011 5:19 PM - Last modified Mar. 9, 2015 9:22 AM


Bjørn Stensaker




Detailed list of participants