TWEAK - Tweaking Wikis for Education and Advancement of Knowledge (completed)

About the project

The TWEAK project develops new designs and models that balance learner exploration and negotiation with more goal directed efforts to bring knowledge advancement more up front in school subjects.


The TWEAK project has two interrelated goals. First, to match collectively oriented tools such as wikis with tasks that require collaborative efforts. Secondly, to address the role of the teacher as a most vital force in designing and supporting activities conducive to knowledge advancement. We will:

  • tweak wikis, adding prompts and different supporting mechanisms that facilitate concept development and domain specific vocabulary.
  • facilitate the possibilities for teachers to participate in the wiki and the opportunities for more flexible interaction among learners.

Theory and methods

Design experiments, agile development, extreme programming, recordings of teachers and students activities at school, interaction analysis.


Ullern Upper Secondary School

Stovner Upper Secondary School

Funding and timeframe

Funded by:



Timeframe: 2008-2009

Related projects

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Published Sep. 16, 2010 8:59 AM - Last modified Jan. 3, 2019 10:53 AM


Project leader Ingvill Rasmussen


Detailed list of participants