Home Literacy Environment and Dual language learners’ language development: a multiple-method study on Chinese children in Norway (PhD-project)

Home is a primary environment for children to develop language(s). The goal of this project is to gain knowledge on how young Chinese children in Norway develop languages at home.

Little Chinese boy with glasses

Photo: Pixabay

About the project

Under the framework of social interaction theory, this research project focuses on children’s immediate environment and social-communicative interactions with mothers in researching young dual language learners.

The project is comprised of two studies: a questionnaire study and a longitudinal study. The nationwide questionnaire study collects information on the home literacy environment of Chinese families in Norway and provides an overview of dual-language children's language use, literacy resources, and practices at home. The longitudinal study follows a small group of families and further explores children's interactions with mothers during shared book reading and mealtime conversations, and investigates how interactions are associated with the language growth of dual language learners over time.

The project will last from fall 2019 to spring 2024.

Published Jan. 11, 2022 2:13 PM - Last modified June 16, 2023 10:49 AM