Exciting new international master’s program at The Department of Education!

After a long time of detailed planning, The University Board at The University of Oslo (The University’s highest decision-making body) has granted us permission to launch a new master’s programme “Master in Education” at our Department. We are excited to welcome the first batch of students who will start their studies the autumn semester of 2022.

University aula, open square in front of building

The Old University downtown Oslo. Photo: Anders Lien/UiO

Two programme options

The new program «Master in Education» consists of two separate specialisations, which students choose between: Higher Education Studies (HES), and Education and Social Change: Childhood and Youth Studies (ESCY). All students will first be introduced to ‘The Norwegian Education System in its Nordic Context’, through a joint course. This topic will be a reference point throughout both the specialisations.

The new and renewed

For those of you already familiar with the master’s programme Higher Education, you can rest assure that the program will continue as a specialisation within the new program, renewed and revamped in accordance to newer research in the field and valuable feedback we have received from our students. This specialisation combines higher education governance, policy and organisation on the one hand and teaching and learning process on the other.  It is the perfect match for anyone looking to work within the field of higher education as a researcher, administrator, policy-maker, just to name a few.

The brand new specialisation “Education and Social Change: Childhood and Youth Studies” (ESCY) is an interdisciplinary programme option which uniquely ties together the concepts ‘Education’, ‘Social Change’, ‘Childhood’ and ‘Youth’. This programme option will address questions such as how children and youth experience and shape social change today, and situated within the ‘Nordic model’.

International recruitment

We are eager to recruit both local and international students, as the combination is an asset to our program. Our Department has a long tradition with welcoming international students to our studies. This group of students represents a very important asset as they bring new ideas, as well as academic and cultural experience into our study environment. Both our academic and administrative staff are therefore eager and happy to welcome the first cohort of international students to Master in Education in August 2022!


Each specialisation has separate admission requirements. For Non-EU citizens the application round opens from October 15. 2021 – November 15. 2021, while applicants from EU, Norway and Nordic countries may apply from February 2022. For exact dates, please visit the webpage for application deadlines.

For more information about the admission requirements please visit the website: Master in Education

By Esra Boncuk, Institutt for pedagogikk
Published June 24, 2021 3:26 PM - Last modified Oct. 15, 2021 11:10 AM