#Ark_App project at CSCL in Gothenburg

CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) is a major international conference, this year taking place June 7th – 11th at the University of Gothenburg. Four researchers from the Ark&App project will present their papers on this biennially event, organized by ISLS (International Society of the Learning Sciences).

On the first day of the conference, Associate Professor Anniken Furberg will take part in a workshop titled Changing Teaching and Learning Practices in Schools with Tablet-Mediated Collaborative Learning

At the poster session Tuesday afternoon she will join PhD student Irina Engness presenting Exploring the Interplay of Various Support Forms in CSCL Settings. This study aims to provide a deeper insight on the interplay between peer collaboration, task design, visualising digital tools and teacher intervention in students’ learning processes. 

Algebra Learning through Digital Gaming in School

Researcher Jan Dolonen will present another case (Mathematics) from Ark&App, co-authored with researcher Anders Kluge on Wednesday 10th. The focus of this study is algebra and digital games in school. Analyses of social interactions indicate that the students that used the game-based learning resource struggled with the symbolic nature of the game, which seems to limit the affordances of the game as a tool for meaning making processes relevant to the subject discourse. 

Data session on Dialogic Construction of Knowledge

On the last day of the conference, Thursday 11th, Anniken Furberg will host a data session with Associate professors Ingvill Rasmussen and Hans Christian Arnseth. In the session The Dialogic Construction of Knowledge in Science Education: Cultural Resources and Topical Orientation in Interaction, they will invite participants to work on an excerpt of data from a case in Science Education in Ark&App.



Publisert 4. juni 2015 18:02 - Sist endret 9. jan. 2023 10:29