Arbeider knyttet til prosjektet

Bjørnebekk, Gunnar & Gjesme, Torgrim. Exploring the links between approach and avoidance temperament, achievement motives and motivational related cognition: Their influence on performance. Paper presented on 10th International Conference on Motivation; Landau, Germany; 28-30.september. 2006 (Invited paper).

Gjesme,T & Bjørnebekk, G. Cognitive and Affective Insensitivity to Future Consequences: Investigation of Determinants of Antisocial Attributes and Aggressive Behavior. Invited Symposium paper. EARLI. Budapest 27.-31.8 .2007

Bjørnebekk, Gunnar & Gjesme, Torgrim. The role of threat responsiveness (BIS) and incentive responsiveness (BAS) as antecedents to major motivational and self-regulatory processes in children. Earli, 13h Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, August 25- 29, 2009.

Bjørnebekk, Gunnar & Gjesme, Torgrim. Future Time Orientation and Temperaments: Exploration of their relationship to Primary and Secondary Psychopathy. 6th European Congress on violence in Clinical Psychiatry, Stockholm, Sweden, 21-24 October, 2009.

Bjørnebekk G. & Gjesme T. (2009). Future Time Orientation and Temperaments:exploration of their relationship to primary and secondary psychopathy.Psychological Reports, 105, 275-292.


Publisert 14. okt. 2010 12:55 - Sist endret 14. okt. 2010 12:58