
Fenwick, T., Jensen, K. and Nerland, M. (2012) Sociomaterial appraches to conceptualising professional learning and practice. Journal of Education and Work, 25-1, 1-13.

Helstad, K. (2011) Ledelse og lærerarbeid i videregående skole - vilkår for kollektiv kunnskapsutvikling.  I Møller, J. & Ottesen, E. (Red). Rektor som sjef og leder. Styring, ledelse og kollektiv kunnskapsutvikling i skolen.  Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.


Hermansen, H. and Nerland, M. (submitted). Reworking practice collaboratively through an AfL project: An analysis of teachers' work with new assessment guidelines in a lower secondary school.

Jensen, K., Lahn, L. and Nerland, M., Eds (2012, in press) Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Mathisen, A. and Nerland, M. (2012) The pedagogy of complex work support systems: Infrastructuring practices and the production of critical awareness in risk auditing. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, Vol. 20, No. 1, 69–89.

Nerland, M.and Jensen, K. (2012) Epistemic practices and object relations in professional work. Journal of Education and Work,  25-1, 101-120.


Nerland, M. (2012) Professions as knowledge cultures. In D. Livingstone and D. Guile, Eds, The Knowledge Economy and Lifelong Learning: A Critical Reader. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (Reprint of chapter 2 from Jensen, Lahn and Nerland, Eds, Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society).

Strand, T. and K. Jensen (2012, forthcoming) Researching the current dynamics of professional expertise: Three analytic discourses. In Vukasovic, M., P. Maassen, M. Nerland, R. Pinheiro, B.Stensaker and A. Vabø (eds.) Effects of higher education reforms: Change dynamics. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.

Publisert 15. mai 2012 13:03 - Sist endret 15. mai 2012 22:25