An ecological perspective on learner‐constructed learning spaces

Damşa, C., Nerland, M. & Andreadakis, Z. (2019). 

I: British Journal of Educational Technology

Omslag på tidsskrift. Foto.


This paper argues for the need to develop a relational, emergent and plural understanding of learning spaces. We take an ecological perspective on learning, which allows us to conceptualize learning spaces as (co‐)constructed by learners; emerging through learners' practices, interactions and activities; and facilitated by pedagogical arrangements. In the co‐construction of spaces for learning, tapping into various ecologies of resources—whether intellectual, relational or digital material—becomes an organic, iterative, agentic endeavour for learners. This paper proposes a set of principles to synthesize this conceptualization and facilitates an understanding of such emergent learning spaces. An empirical illustration extracted from a collaborative student project in software engineering education contributes to grounding the conceptual argument and provides a clarifying example. Ultimately, this contribution suggests that in order to support the emergence of learning spaces that are resource‐rich and conducive to learning, educational contexts and pedagogical arrangements must provide both the framing conditions and also the flexibility and permeability required to access the wider ecologies of resources made available through digital technologies.

Publisert 5. aug. 2019 14:47 - Sist endret 22. feb. 2021 17:56