Inclusive Education and Digital Divides: The Case of Video Materials in In-Service Teacher Training


The status of inclusivity in current educational practices warrant an examination to ascertain the primary aim of inclusive education or education for all. Drawing on the classroom observations of a single case study, we analysed the use of the teachermediated video material ‘Teachers for All’ to explore the application of the AIP model (i.e., access, interaction and participation) analysing the teaching and learning process. Two teacher educators and 11 in-service teachers from one regional training centre (out of six regional training centres) participated in the study. We conclude that the AIP model provide three advantages. First, Carpentier’s AIP model provide a theoretical framework for analysing and building bridges between special needs education, where access signifies presence, and interaction socio-communicative relationships, and inclusive education, where participation signifies co-deciding and power. Second, the AIP model provide a theoretical and methodological framework to analyse the dimensions of technology, content, people and organisations of a specific digitalised social learning environment. Third, the AIP model is useful understanding the ambiguities between teacher-centred versus learner-centred pedagogy.

Publisert 29. mai 2020 15:20 - Sist endret 22. feb. 2021 17:33