Leif Christian Lahn

Professor emeritus - Institutt for pedagogikk
Bilde av Leif Christian Lahn
Treffetider Etter avtale
Besøksadresse Sem Sælands vei 7 0317 Oslo
Postadresse Postboks 1091 Blindern 0317 Oslo

Professor II (20%), Yrkesfaglærerutdanningen, Høgskolen i Akershus


  • Yrkesdidiaktikk og voksnes læring.
  • Aktivitetsteori og designbasert forskning.
  • Kvalitativ metodologi, syntetisering av forskning, vitenskapsteori.

Pågående aktiviteter

  • Prosjekt om syntetisering av utdanningsforskning
  • Forskning på kvalitative metoder og designbasert læringsforskning.
  • Studier av yrkesdidaktikk og opplæring i arbeidslivet.

Fullførte prosjekter (utvalgte)

  • Teknologi, organisasjon og læring (TOOL-studiet) Program på bachelor og masternivå. I samarbeid med Institutt for informatikk og institutt for sosiologi.
  • Kp-lab (Knowledge practices lab, 2005-2010) Integrert prosjet under EUs 6.FP Information Society Technologies programmet. Pedagogisk forskningsinstitutt ved UiO deltok først og fremst i den arbeidspakken som gikk på profesjonslæring.
  • ProLearn (Professional learning in a changing society, 2004-2008) finansiert av Norwegian National Council of Research under programmet Kunnskap, utdannning og læring).
  • Kaleidoscope (2003-2008). Network of excellence under EU 5. FP Information Society Technologies program. Medlem av styringsgruppen for SIG “ Technology enhanced learning in the work place.


  • Teknologi, organisasjon og læring (TOOL-studiet) Program på bachelor og masternivå. I samarbeid med Institutt for informatikk og institutt for sosiologi.
  • Kvalitativ metodologi. Fakultetets obligatoriske drgradskurs.
  • Læring i arbeid og kompetanseutvikling. KUL master program.
  • Teknologi og læring i arbeid. Bachelor og masterkurs.


  • Cand. Psychol., Universitet i Oslo
  • Cand. Polit., Universitet i Oslo
  • Dr.polit., Universitet i Oslo
  • NPF spesialist i arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologi.
  • Gjesteprofessorat ved SCANCOR, Stanford University
Emneord: Pedagogikk, Arbeidslivslæring, IKT og læring, Kvalitativ metodologi, Voksenopplæring


  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Berntsen, Svanhild Kristine (2023). Frameworking vocational teachers’ digital competencies: An integrative literature review and synthesis. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). ISSN 2535-4051. 7(2). doi: 10.7577/njcie.5322. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Klette, Kirsti (2022). Reactivity beyond contamination. An integrative literature review of video studies in educational research. International Journal of Research & Method in Education. ISSN 1743-727X. doi: 10.1080/1743727X.2022.2094356. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Hellne-Halvorsen, Ellen Beate; Lahn, Leif Christian & Nore, Hæge (2021). Writing Competences in Norwegian Vocational Education and Training: - How Students and Apprentices Express their Professional Competences. Vocations and Learning. ISSN 1874-785X. 14(2), s. 1–22. doi: 10.1007/s12186-020-09262-0. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Elvebakk, Beate; Nævestad, Tor-Olav & Lahn, Leif Christian (2020). Mandatory periodic training for professional drivers: A Norwegian study of implementation and effects. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. ISSN 1369-8478. 72(July 2020), s. 264–279. doi: 10.1016/j.trf.2020.04.014. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Nore, Hæge (2019). Large scale studies of holistic professional competence in vocational education and training (VET). The case of Norway. . International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training. ISSN 2197-8646. 6(2), s. 132–152. doi: 10.13152/IJRVET.6.2.2. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Nore, Hæge (2018). ePortfolios as Hybrid Learning Arenas in Vocational Education and Training. I Choy, Sarojni; Wärvik, Gun-Britt & Lindberg, Viveca (Red.), Integration of Vocational Education and Training Experiences: Purposes, Practices and Principles. Springer. ISSN 9789811088568. s. 207–226. doi: 10.1007/978-981-10-8857-5_11.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2016). Organizational teaching and learning – a (re)view from educational science. Learning Organization. ISSN 0969-6474. 23(5), s. 342–356. doi: 10.1108/TLO-10-2015-0056.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Erikson, Truls (2016). Entrepreneurship education by design. Education + Training. ISSN 0040-0912. 58(7-8), s. 684–699. doi: 10.1108/ET-03-2016-0051.
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2015). Trade Examinations – Questions of Ownership and Validity. I Gessler, Michael & Freund, Larissa (Red.), Crossing Boundaries in Vocational Education and Training: Innovative Concepts for the 21st Century. Evaluate Europe Handbook Series. ISSN 0000000000. s. 237–241.
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2014). Bridging the Gap between Work and Education in Vocational Education and Training. A study of Norwegian Apprenticeship Training Offices and E-Portfolio Systems. International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training. ISSN 2197-8646. 1(1), s. 21–34. doi: 10.13152/IJRVET.1.1.2. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2013). "Vi gjør så godt vi kan". Lokale og faglige variasjoner i arbeid med innhold og vurdering i yrkesopplæring på Vg2. I Høst, Håkon (Red.), Kvalitet i fag- og yrkesopplæringen Fokus på skoleopplæringen: Rapport 2 Forskning på kvalitet i fag- og yrkesopplæringen. NIFU, FAFO, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, Universitetet i Bergen. ISSN 978-82-7218-920-3. s. 73–96.
  • Fugeli, Pål; Lahn, Leif Christian & Mørch, Anders Irving (2013). Shared prolepsis and intersubjectivity in open source development: expansive grounding in distributed work. I Bruckman, Amy; Counts, Scott; Lampe, Cliff & Terveen, Loren (Red.), Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work. ACM Publications. ISSN 978-1-4503-1331-5. s. 129–144 . doi: 10.1145/2441776.2441793.
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2012). Innhold og vurdering. I Høst, Håkon (Red.), Kunnskapsgrunnlag og faglige perspektiver for en studie av kvalitet i fag- og yrkesopplæringen. Rapport 1 Forskning på kvalitet i fag- og yrkesopplæringen. NIFU Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning. ISSN 978-82-7218-836-7. s. 33–43.
  • Jensen, Karen; Lahn, Leif Christian & Nerland, Monika (2012). Introduction - Professional learning in new knowledge landscapes: A cultural perspective. I Jensen, Karen; Lahn, Leif Christian & Nerland, Monika (Red.), Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society. Brill|Sense. ISSN 978-94-6091-992-3. s. 1–24. doi: 10.1007/978-94-6091-994-7_1.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2011). Professional learning as epistemic trajectories. I Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Lund, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ingvill & Säljö, Roger (Red.), Learning across sites : new tools, infrastructures and practices. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 978-0-415-58176-9. s. 53–68.
  • Kudrik, Yulia; Lahn, Leif Christian & Mørch, Anders Irving (2009). Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning: Blended Learning in Insurance Company. I Kong, Siu Cheung; Ogata, Hiroaki & Arnseth, Hans Christian (Red.), Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE 2009). Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (CD Rom). ISSN 978-986-84735-3-9. s. 955–959.
  • Sutherland, Ross; Lindström, Berner & Lahn, Leif Christian (2009). Sociocultural perspectives on technology-enhanced learning. I Balacheff, N.; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; de Jong, T.; Lazonder, A.; Barnes, S. & Mondandon, L. (Red.), Technology Enhanced Learning: Principles and Products. Springer. ISSN 978-1-4020-9826-0. s. 39–54.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Jensen, Karen (2008). Profesjon og læring. I Molander, Anders & Terum, Lars Inge (Red.), Profesjonsstudier. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 978-82-15-00859-2. s. 295–305.
  • Jensen, Karen & Lahn, Leif Christian (2007). Professional learning: Introduction. I Jensen, Karen & Lahn, Leif Christian (Red.), Professional Learning / La formation professionnelle. L'Harmattan. ISSN 978-2-296-02747-3. s. 9–14.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Jensen, Karen (2007). Models of professional learning. Exploring the epistemic tool perspective. I Jensen, Karen & Lahn, Leif Christian (Red.), Professional Learning / La formation professionnelle. L'Harmattan. ISSN 978-2-296-02747-3. s. 63–82.
  • Jensen, Karen & Lahn, Leif Christian (2005). The binding role of knowledge. An analysis of nursing students knowledge ties. Journal of Education and Work. ISSN 1363-9080. 18 (3), s. 307–322.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2004). Gruppeautonomi og kogenetisk læring. Nordiske organisasjonsstudier. ISSN 1501-8237. 6(3), s. 6–20.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2004). Dilemmas in the development of e-learning at work. Journal of Workplace Learning. ISSN 1366-5626. 16(8), s. 466–478.
  • Ludvigsen, Sten; Lahn, Leif Christian & Havnes, Anton (2003). Workplace Learning across Activity Systems: A Case Study of Sales Engineers, Between School and Work. New perspectives on Transfer and Boundary Crossing. Pergamon Press. s. 291–310.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2003). Competence and Learning in Late Career. European Educational Research Journal. ISSN 1474-9041. 2(1), s. 126–140.
  • Ludvigsen, Sten; Havnes, Anton & Lahn, Leif Christian (2001). Workplace Learning across Activity Systems: A Case Study of Sales Engineers. I Tuomi-Gröhn, T. & Engeström, Yrjö (Red.), Conceptualizing transfer. Under arbeid.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Jensen, Karen; Lahn, Leif Christian & Nerland, Monika (2012). Professional Learning in the Knowledge Society. Brill|Sense. ISBN 978-94-6091-992-3. 228 s.
  • Jensen, Karen & Lahn, Leif Christian (2007). Professional Learning / La formation professionnelle. L'Harmattan. ISBN 978-2-296-02747-3. 4(3). 144 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2023). Hva kan vi lære av HELDAL-prosjektet? Nye verktøy og systemer for helhetlig dokumentasjon, analyse og læring i fag og yrkesopplæringen.
  • Stenholm, Britha; Berntsen, Svanhild Kristine; Lahn, Leif Christian & Nore, Hæge (2023). How does the use of ePortfolios in vocational education and training challenge vocational didactics?
  • Nore, Hæge; Lahn, Leif Christian; Berntsen, Svanhild Kristine & Stenholm, Britha (2022). HELDAL Nye verktøy og systemer for helhetlig dokumentasjon, analyse og læring i fag og yrkesopplæring.
  • Nore, Hæge; Brevik, Birger; Lahn, Leif Christian & Berntsen, Svanhild Kristine (2022). E-portfolio didactics for vocational education and training. A Norwegian case (HELDAL) in action .
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Brevik, Birger & Nore, Hæge (2022). E-portfolios as drivers for innovation in vocational education and training .
  • Johannesen, Hedvig Skonhoft & Lahn, Leif Christian (2021). Decentralized Competence Development in Norwegian VET: Empowering Vocational teachers and Training Instructors through Tripartite Partnership or Bureaucratization?
  • Nore, Hæge; Lahn, Leif Christian; Brevik, Birger & Berntsen, Svanhild Kristine (2021). ePortfolier i nordisk yrkesutdanning – hvordan brukes de og hvordan kan de forbedres? .
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Brevik, Birger (2020). HELDAL prosjektsamarbeid med Elektro og datateknologi .
  • Johannesen, Hedvig Skonhoft; Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2019). Transformations in(to) vocational identity among Norwegian VET students and apprentices learning in school and at work.
  • Johannesen, Hedvig; Lahn, Leif Christian; Nore, Hæge & Bakken, Roger (2018). Vocational cultures and identities as expressed by Norwegian VET Students and Apprentices. Undergoing large scale assessment of vocational competency in the MECVET project .
  • Kubberød, Elin; Pettersen, Inger Beate; Erikson, Truls & Lahn, Leif Christian (2018). Progresjon og kvalitet i høyere entreprenørskapsutdanning. UNIPED. ISSN 1500-4538. 41(1), s. 5–9. doi: 10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2018-01-01.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Nore, Hæge (2017). ePortfolios systems in Norwegian vocational education and training (VET); an exploratory study.
  • Nore, Hæge; Hellne-Halvorsen, Ellen Beate & Lahn, Leif Christian (2017). Assessment of written assignments in VET. How do students and apprentices write their vocational competence?
  • Nore, Hæge; Johannesen, Hedvig; Lahn, Leif Christian & Bakken, Roger (2017). Quality Improvement in VET Through Large Scale Assessment of Vocational Competence.
  • Nore, Hæge; Johannesen, Hedvig & Lahn, Leif Christian (2016). Vocational Competencies of Apprentices in new Boundary Institutions.
  • Nore, Hæge; Johannesen, Hedvig; Lahn, Leif Christian & Bakken, Roger (2016). Skriftlig testing og vurdering av yrkeskompetanse – ønskelig for hva og hvem?
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2015). Resultatkvalitet uttrykt gjennom fag- og svenneprøver. I Høst, Håkon (Red.), Kvalitet i fag- og yrkesopplæringen: Sluttrapport. Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning. ISSN 978-82-327-0105-6. s. 145–171.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Nore, Hæge & Bakken, Roger (2015). International large scale studies of competence in VET. Issues of comparability in test construction.
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2015). Trade and Journeyman's examinations - for whom and for what?
  • Deichman-Sørensen, Trine; Lahn, Leif Christian; Nore, Hæge; Heinemann, Lars & Bakken, Roger (2014). Comparatvie Research on Competence Development and Occupational Commitment.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Nore, Hæge; Bakken, Roger & Deichman-Sørensen, Trine (2014). Occupational validation as design framework for competence assessment in vocational education and training (VET).
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2014). Innhold og vurdering i bedriftsopplæringen. I Høst, Håkon (Red.), Kvalitet i fag- og yrkesopplæringen Fokus på opplæringen i bedrift. Rapport 3 Forskning på kvalitet i fag- og yrkesopplæringen. NIFU Nordisk institutt for studier av innovasjon, forskning og utdanning. ISSN 978-82-327-0000-4. s. 85–100.
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2014). Training Offices as innovators in VET?
  • Nore, Hæge; Lahn, Leif Christian; Bakken, Roger & Deichman-Sørensen, Trine (2014). Translating international test-tasks and surveys for measuring occupational Identity and vocational competence.
  • Nore, Hæge; Lahn, Leif Christian; Deichman-Sørensen, Trine & Bakken, Roger (2013). Resultater av MECVET-utprøving på Vg2 helsearbeiderfaget.
  • Nore, Hæge & Lahn, Leif Christian (2013). Templates for tailoring VET. The impact of local variations on vocational competence and identity.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Deichman-Sørensen, Trine; Bakken, Roger & Nore, Hæge (2012). MECVET (Measuring Competence Development in Vocational Education and Training) - bakgrunn og prosess.
  • Deichman-Sørensen, Trine; Lahn, Leif Christian & Nore, Hæge (2012). Measuring Competence Development in Norwegian VET.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Deichman-Sørensen, Trine & Nore, Hæge (2012). Occupational validation as design framework for competence assessment in VET: An exploratory study.
  • Nore, Hæge; Deichman-Sørensen, Trine & Lahn, Leif Christian (2011). Måling av kompetanse innen fag- og yrkesopplæring. Et kunnskapsgrunnlag.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Mørch, Anders Irving (2011). A framework for educational design-based research in working life.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Nore, Hæge & Deichman-Sørensen, Trine (2011). Competence assessment and learning in VET.
  • Klette, Kirsti & Lahn, Leif Christian (2011). Teachers’ professional learning. Examining ”communities of practice".
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2010). Comments and questions on digitalization of work.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Mørch, Anders I. (2010). Towards a metatheory of designing learning environments in working life.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2009). Good professional work in accounting, engineering, nursing and teaching. From practice based to standardized quality assessment.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2009). International research on competencies in the field of vocational and occupational eduation and training.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2009). The quality of research design in educational science.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Mørch, Anders Irving (2009). A case study of blended learning in a Nordic insurance company: Three issues for e-learning.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Agerup, Kristi (2008). Learning trajectories. A case of organizational learning and knowledge in project management.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2008). Distributed knowledge practices among novice accountants, engineers, nurses and teachers. An exploratory study.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2008). Artefacts and object mediation in professional learning. An exploration into the use of knowledge sources among novice accountants, engineers, nurses and teachers.
  • Moen, Anne; Toiviainen, Hanna; Mørch, Anders Irving; Lallimo, Jiri; Nygård, Kathrine Amundsen & Nes, Sturle [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2007). Knowledge Practices in Professional Networks.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2007). Learning trajectories in the construction of professional expertise and identity.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Mørch, Anders Irving (2006). Developing learning portals in working life. Experiences with participative design in industrial firms and the service sector.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2006). Professional learning as epistemic trajectories.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2006). Professional learning as epistemic trajectories. Reports from 138 creative days in nursing, teaching, accounting and engineering.
  • Åsand, Hege-René Hansen & Lahn, Leif Christian (2005). Super Users Dual Role as End-User Developers and Knowledge Activators.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2004). Closing the conference and opening a field.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2004). Presentation to Kaleidoscope SIG Technology enhanced learning at work: CMC Work and learning.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Jensen, Karen (2004). Professional learning as objectual practice.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2003). Developing on-line learning in the work-place.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Jensen, Karen (2003). Professional learning and knowledge culture. The case of nursing.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2003). Developmental transfer � a look from the outside.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2003). Tales of e-learning at work. Evaluating the development of web-based learning environments in Norwegian industrial companies.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian & Ludvigsen, Sten (2003). Vertical and horizontal development: Learning, work and technology as networked activities.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2003). Competence development in late career: A European perspective.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2002). Competence and learning in late career. Symposium ¿The European perspective of HRD¿. ECER Lisbon, September, 10-14, 2002.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2002). Boundary crossing zones in working life ¿ between developmental transfer and fashionable imitation. Symposium ¿Developmental transfer ¿ novel solutions to transfer problems¿. 5th ISCRAT Congress, Amsterda,18.-22. June 2002.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2001). Developmental research in working life. Mediating the mediated discourse between theory and practice.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian (2001). Developing web-based learning environments in smaller companies. An exploration into cases of complex boundary-crossing.
  • Blom, Jenny; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Lahn, Leif Christian; Milch, Vibeke & Hesjevoll, Ingeborg Storesund (2023). En studie av digitale virkemidler i føreropplæringen. Transportøkonomisk institutt. ISSN 978-82-480-2025-7.
  • Blom, Jenny; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Lahn, Leif Christian; Milch, Vibeke & Hesjevoll, Ingeborg Storesund (2023). Trafikklærerens rolle ved økt grad av digital teknologi i føreropplæringen . Transportøkonomisk institutt. ISSN 978-82-480-1412-6.
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Johannesen, Hedvig Skonhoft & Fossestøl, Knut (2021). Temanotat 2 - Evaluering av ny kompetansemodell Utfordringer og muligheter i desentralisert kompetanseutvikling for yrkesfag. OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet. ISSN 978-82-7609-431-2.
  • Elvebakk, Beate; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Lahn, Leif Chr.; Langeland, Per Andreas & Sundfør, Hanne Beate (2016). Obligatorisk etterutdanning for yrkessjåfører. Transportøkonomisk institutt. ISSN 978-82-480-1257-3.
  • Askildsen, Thorkel C; Bjørnskau, Torkel; Elvebakk, Beate; Skollerud, Kåre H. & Lahn, Leif Christian (2011). Foreslåtte prosjekter for evaluering av etterutdanning for yrkessjåfører. TØI. ISSN 0808-1190.
  • Elvebakk, Beate; Askildsen, Thorkel; Bjørnskau, Torkel; Skollerud, Kåre H.; Aarhaug, Jørgen & Lahn, Leif Christian (2011). Prosjekter for evaluering av etterutdanning for yrkessjåfører. Transportøkonomisk institutt. ISSN 0808-1190. 2011(1181).
  • Lahn, Leif Christian; Wiik, Ragnhild & Johnsen, Hans Chr. Garmann (2009). Et kunnskapsgrunnlag for evaluerende læring i VRI. Norges forskningsråd.
  • Jensen, Karen; Lahn, Leif Christian; Nerland, Monika ; Smeby, Jens-Christian; Klette, Kirsti & Fugeli, Pål [Vis alle 10 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2008). Profesjonslæring i endring. Sluttrapport til NFRs KUL program. NFR.
  • Tikkanen, Tarja; Lahn, Leif Christian; Whitnall, A.; Ward, P. & Lyng, K. (2002). Working life changes and training of older workers. VOX Forskning.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 13. aug. 2010 11:39 - Sist endret 6. des. 2019 15:56
