Baltic borders

Professor Luca Tateo participates in the seminar with the title "Challenges and Cooperation in Bordering Societies
when Governments Don’t Talk.
- Implications For Dialogue and Democracy on Europe-Russia Borderlands".

Photo of the event

The various aspects and their impact in border communities. (Photo / Baltic borders project website)

About the seminar

In the context of limited government relations between Europe and Russia, this networking project aims at exploring and analyzing the new dynamics on EU's Baltic borders with Russia. We are interested in the following topics:

  • security including the impact of physical barriers 
  • migration issues
  • sociological aspects: how the changing environment affects the life of those living in the border areas
  • psychological aspects: new stresses, professional challenges for them
  • economic aspects: the impact on the economy 
  • environmental impact of those rising tensions, and how to deal with environmental issues on a local level when governments don’t talk

The intent is to focus on Baltic landborders to identify broader implications and reflect on the ever-evolving implications of borderlines.

Thematic areas

Democracy, Environment, Peace and Security

Team & Participants

Luca Tateo, Professor of Theory, Epistemology and Methodology of Qualitative Research at the Department of Special Education Needs, University of Oslo, Norway.

Laetitia Spetschinsky, Guest lecturer, EU-Russia chair UCLouvain (Belgium), Associate researcher oiip (Austria).

Elena Dundovich, Professor of Eastern European History at the University of Pisa. She has published widely in this field and contributed to many televised history programmes.

Maria Edwards, Joint International Relations PhD (King's College London and the University of São Paulo) | Policy Researcher at ResPublica and the Lifelong Education Institute.

Loic Simonet, Researcher at the Österreichisches Institut für Internationale Politik (OIIP, the Austrian Institute for International Affairs), Vienna, Austria.


The Circle U. Interdisciplinary Thematic Research Networks (ITRN) are projects involving researchers from at least three different Circle U. member institutions whose purpose is to explore new fields of research and initiate interdisciplinary partnerships amongst researchers from Circle U. universities and stakeholders

Published Dec. 14, 2023 1:02 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2023 1:02 PM