Helping Children Thrive in an Age of Uncertainty

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Our esteemed panelists are international leaders in the fields of child development, economics, education, and public health (Photo: Screenshot from the webpage Helping Children Thrive in an Age of Uncertainty (



Invited Boston College Student and Faculty Responses

  • Katarina Sauter, Elementary Education & Applied Psychology and Human Development, class of 2024
  • Catalina Rey Guerra, Applied Developmental Psychology, class of 2024
  • Earl Edwards, Educational Leadership and Higher Education


Our esteemed panelists are international leaders in the fields of child development, economics, education, and public health. Together, they bring a wealth of knowledge as presidents of premier research associations, directors of large research centers, members of national science academies, and principal investigators for large research projects. Each also brings years of experience consulting with local, regional, national, and international education leaders and government officials. 

The panelists will use this collective wisdom to answer a question of deep concern to families, communities, educators, researchers, and policy makers: "In this time of historic uncertainty and challenge, what does it mean for children to ‘thrive,’ and what will it take to promote thriving in enduring and equitable ways?"

The conversation -- moderated by award-winning education journalist Jackie Mader -- will bring together insights from developmental science, economic and labor force considerations, policy drivers, educational innovation, international perspectives, and the critical role of family and community assets in the face of structural inequities. The forum will provide a new understanding of the challenges before us and pathways forward, pathways that ensure many more children have chances to thrive.

Published Mar. 22, 2024 3:03 PM - Last modified Mar. 22, 2024 3:03 PM