Qualitative Methodology Course in Dialogical Acting

Every Tuesday from 4.30 PM to 6.30 PM: introductory course in Dialogical Acting

Fire personer som peker.

Image credits: Pavel Zajicek, 2022.

Refusing to be content with one’s own barriers, let’s join this fascinating art-based methods course. Empty space, empty hands, mind free of goals – let the play begin. For only where there is nothing, something new can arise. Dare to take a path of self-discovery, self-understanding and self-acceptance; for many a path of self-realization as well.

Uncovering and unlocking creativity, be it in the artistic or scientific sphere, opening up a number of different areas of investigation and possible paths and goals. Let us try what it means to go out with your voice, allow the body to create, and reach a creative state when “the ear is amazed at what the mouth is saying”.

The free and voluntary course will introduce the basics of psychosomatic disciplines and dialogical acting by practical experiences, acting exercises and games. Authorial approach based on one’s personal interests, topics and dispositions.

The course is led by the visiting scholar Pavel Zajíček of the Department of Authorial Creativity and Pedagogy (Academy of Performing Arts in Prague – Theatre Faculty.

Learning goals:

  • Learn about Psychosomatic Disciplines, a way to self-awareness on both somatic and mental level and their dynamics
  • Learn authorial acting, about the structure of one’s inner dialogicality in action, as well as in thinking
  • Learn art-based methods, finding playfulness as a safe space for explorations of both inner and outer landscapes


  • Speaking in public and public relations
  • Experimenting with the concept of “public solitude”
  • Creating an art-based intervention
  • Building a performance based on personal themes and stories


  • You will acquire soft skills such as:
  • Emotional regulation skills
  • Reflective skills
  • Communication skills
  • Improvisation skills

Who can join

All students and staff are welcome. No acting experiences required; the course is not aimed at becoming an actor. Dramatic methods are only used for self-discovery and uncovering one’s potential, as well as for broadening methods for research and creativity.

When and where

The course takes place every Tuesday from 3 October to 28 November on the following dates:

October 3, October 10, October 17, October 24, October 31, November 7, November 14, November 21, November 28

How to join

Participation is voluntary and free, but registration is required. First come first served. Maximum 15 seats available. Registration deadline is 30 September.

You can register here


For any further inquiry, you can contact Professor Luca Tateo (Department of Special Needs Education).

P.s. In case of very a large demand, a second date may be added


Department of Special Needs Education

Published Sep. 29, 2023 10:16 AM - Last modified Sep. 29, 2023 10:16 AM