Norwegian version of this page

Courses and meetings


Time and place: , Helga Engs Hus HES 235

Oslo SPeLL makes available a new digital tool for research and clinical practice, offering introduction and training at this workshop!

Time and place: , Helga Eng`s building, 3. floor

Oslo SPeLL invites you to an introductory course in eye-tracking technology with hands-on session.

Time and place: , Helga Eng`s building, Oslo SPeLL - room 366

Oslo SPeLL invites you to attend our course about the lab`s test library

Time and place: , Helga Eng`s building, room 234

Oslo SPeLL invites you to attend our introduction seminar to EEG methodology (electroencephalography) with hands-on session

Time and place: , Helga Engs Hus

Oslo SPeLL inviterer til seminar om Cognitive Assessment System (CAS2) i samarbeid med Pedverket Kompetansesenter.

Time and place: , Helga Eng`s building

The workshop is supported and co-organized by the Department of Special Needs Education, the research group Literacy and Numeracy (LiNCon), and the Oslo SPeLL (Oslo Special Education and Learning Lab) at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, with additional support by SR Research Ltd., and is co-funded by the Norwegian Research Council through IT events support (arrangement støtte innenfor IKT project number 333881).

Time and place: , Room 494 / Zoom

Oslo SPeLL invites you to our second EEG seminar.

Time and place: , Zoom

[Video recording available] Oslo SPeLL invites you to attend our first EEG seminar, aimed at potentially new as well as more experienced EEG researchers.

Time and place: , Zoom

[Video-recording available].Oslo SPeLL invites you to STAS jr. seminar on the 26 of May with Jan-Erik Klinkenberg (retired, specialist in clinical psychology), Elsebet Skaar (Cand.paed.spec) and Sigrun Skaar Holme ( as hosts. STAS jr. is a assessment tool that the schools can use to identify pupils who are at risk of or in the process of developing reading og writing difficulties – including dyslexia and is strongly rooted in recent Norwegian and international research. STAS jr. consists of a short rating scale that is filled in by the teacher and several short and simple tests with Norwegian norms.

Time and place: , Zoom

[Video-recording available] Learn about what eye tracking is, what types of eye trackers exist, what we can measure, and how we can analyze the data.