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Rooms and scientific instruments

How to book

Reservation is done via Excel Online. Log in here with UiO user or log in here without a UiO user. For login without UiO user, contact to receive a password.


The lab provides two eye-tracking / test rooms, one observation room, and one acoustically treated room with a control room, adapter for audiometry, sound recording, and EEG recording. We also provide four general treatment and assessment rooms.

NB! All rooms, with exception of the four treatment rooms, are locked by card. Email to gain access. Please inform about what room you need, your project, your employee-/student card number, and for how long you need access.

Scientific instruments

  • Eye Tracker:

    • Watch the video from the Oslo SPeLL course "Introduction to Eye Tracking technologies" here.
    • EyeLink 1000 Plus (1 unit). This has market-leading precision and accuracy. It can be used stationary in the lab or transported for field studies. 1000/2000 Hz sampling rate.
    • EyeLink Portable Duo (2 units). This is also very accurate and precise but is specially designed to be portable and used with laptops. Can also be used stationary in the lap. 1000/2000 Hz sampling rate.
    • Tobii X2-60 compact (1 unit). This is a small eye tracker that can be easily connected to a PC via USB. The product has been discontinued and replaced by Tobii Nano. 60 Hz sampling rate.
    • Tobii Dynavox I-Series I-16 (1 unit).The i-series is an all-inclusive solution (screen, speaker, eye tracker). The device is for people with motoric disabilities and enables them to control Windows as well as a suite of communication apps using only their gaze. They are not optimized for research, have a rather low sample rate, and potentially lack features for raw gaze data extraction. 
    • We can help you implement checksum validation of participant ids and automatic selection of data source based on participant id. Read more here.
  • EEG
  • Biophysical sensors

    • Biophysical sensors require an EEG amplifier to be used. Usage therefore requires the reservation of an amplifier.
    • Temperature sensor for detection of skin temperature change
    • Galvanic skin response (sweat response detection)
    • Blood heart rate sensor (heart rate)
    • 3D acceleration sensor (motion detection)
    • Respiratory belt set (breathing frequency)
Published Jan. 25, 2022 12:42 PM - Last modified June 28, 2023 11:11 AM