Information requested by the Voluntary Register:

Information about the research participant:

  • Name
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Does the participant come from an urban or rural area?
  • How far does the participant live from Oslo?
  • Is Norwegian the participant's first language/native language?
  • Does the participant speak a language other than Norwegian at home?
    • If yes: What languages are used?
    • If yes: How much are such languages used in their everyday life (approximately)?

Contact information:

  • E-mail address(es)
  • Optional: phone number
  • Optional: street address

Information about difficulties and diagnoses (relating to the test participant):

Does the participant have any difficulties or diagnoses?

If yes:

  • Various difficulties:
    • Hearing impairment and hearing-related difficulties related to language, speech and communication
    • Swallowing difficulties
    • Speech difficulties: stuttering and cluttering
    • Voice difficulties
    • Behavioural, emotional and social difficulties
    • ADHD/hyperkinetic disorder
    • Down’s syndrome
    • Intellectual disability (developmental disability)
  • Specific learning difficulties:
    • Dyslexia
    • Mathematical difficulties
    • Reading comprehension difficulties
    • Spelling difficulties
    • Writing skills difficulties
  • Acquired language and communication difficulties:
    • Aphasia
    • Speech apraxia
    • Dysarthria
    • Dyspraxia
  • Developmental language and communication difficulties:
    • Developmental language disorder
    • Specific language difficulties
    • Expressive language difficulties (difficulty expressing themselves)
    • Receptive language difficulties (difficulty in understanding)
    • Pragmatic communication difficulties (autism spectrum disorders)
    • Articulation difficulties


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