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Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Master Hanne Røe-Indregård  at the Department of Special Needs Education  will be defending the thesis "Features of adult-child communication across conversational partners and activities. An observation based study" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Auditorium 2, Helga Engs hus

Master Silje Merethe Hansen Ingebretsen at the Department of Special Needs Education will be defending the thesis "Treatment of social communication difficulties following acquired brain injury: Efficacy of Group Interactive Structured Treatment" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs hus

Master Tonje Amland  at the department of Special Needs Education will be defending the thesis "Cognitive Precursors to Mathematical Competence. A Meta-Analysis and Two Longitudinal Investigations"  for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Helga Engs hus

Master Laoura Ziaka at the department of Special Needs Education  will be defending the thesis "Interference and cognitive control dynamics in the course of serial naming tasks" for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Aud 1. Helga Engs Hus

Master Stine Solberg at the Department of Special Needs Education will defend the dissertation "Supporting Teachers in Their Work with Shy Students. A multi-method study of how schools and school leadership teams support teachers’ work with children who are perceived as shy" for the degree of Philosophiae doctor.

Time and place: , Aud. 2 Helga Engs Hus

Cand.paed. May-Britt Monsrud at the Department of Special Needs Education will defend the dissertation "One size does not fit all" En studie av språkferdigheter blant flerspråklige barn og unge" for the degree of Philosophiae doctor. 

Time and place: , Zoom

Master Sangwon Yoon at the Department of Special Needs Education will defend the dissertation "Evaluating Psychometric Properties of Parent- or Caregiver-Report Instruments on Child Maltreatment Systematic Reviews Using the COSMIN Methodology." for the degree of Philosophiae Doctor.

Time and place: , Zoom

Cand.paed. Anne Cathrine Thurmann-Moe at the Department of Special Needs Education will defend the dissertation "Effekt av artikulatorisk bevissthetstrening på skriftspråklige ferdigheter. En randomisert kontrollert undersøkelse og en singel case studie." for the degree of PhD.

Time and place: , Zoom

Lektor Mari-Anne Sørlie at the Department of Special Needs Education will defend the dissertation "Testing the effectiveness of the N-PALS model – a school-wide framework to prevent externalizing student problem behavior" for the degree of dr.philos.

Time and place: , Zoom Arne Kirkhorn Rødvik at the Department of Special Needs Education will be defending his doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Speech sound confusions in well-performing adults and children with cochlear implants, measured by repetition of mono- and bisyllabic nonsense words.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Tamar Kalandadze at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Making Sense of the Word and the World: Figurative Language Comprehension in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Veerle Garrels at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Promoting self-determination for adolescents with mild intellectual disability. Validation of a self-determination measure and evaluation of an educational intervention.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Kathrin Olsen at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Teachers’ practices of supporting the social participation for children with autism in the informal environment of kindergarten. A critical interpretive case-study with a cross-cultural perspective.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Mussa Shaffii Ngonyani at the Department of Special Needs Education defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Essence of Education for Children With Disabilities in Developing Countries. Survey of Tanzanian Regular Primary School Teachers' Self-Efficacy, Attitudes towards and Willingness to Include Pupils With Disabilities.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Anette Andresen at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Digital Natives With Reading Difficulties. A study of dyslexic adolescents' integration of conflicting information across web pages and presentation formats.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Master Linn Stokke Guttormsen at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

A multimethod study of the impact of stuttering on children.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Cand.ed. Anne Arnesen at the Department of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Social Functioning and Reading Proficiency: Validity of Educational Assessments Used in Norwegian Elementary Schools.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs hus, Blindern

Master Hanne Næss Hjetland at the Institute of Special Needs Education defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of PhD:

Predicting and improving reading comprehension. A quantitative multimethod approach.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3,Helga Engs hus Blindern

Master Silje Systad defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:


Is Language Impairments a Symptom of Nocturnal Epilelptiform Activity? Studies exploring the relationship between nocturnal epileptiform activity and language impairments.


Time and place: , Lecture Hall 3,Helga Engs hus Blindern

Master Magnar Ødegård defends his doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:


A Comparative Study of Disruptive Behavior between Schools in Norway and the United States.


Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2,Helga Engs hus Blindern

Cand.polit. Hilde Christine Hofslundsengen defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:


The meaning of children's invented writing in preschool. A quasi-experimental intervention study.


Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Ellen Brinchmann defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

The role of word knowledge in the development of reading comprehension.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Lill-Johanne Eilertsen defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Participation in peer groups: interaction between children with and without hearing impairment and complex needs.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 1, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Master Mari Dalen Herland  defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Experiences with and negotiations about parenthood: A qualitative study among fathers and mothers with experiences of child care and of severe adjustment problems during adolescence.

Time and place: , Lecture Hall 2, Helga Engs building, Blindern

Cand.ed. Gro Elisabeth Aasen defends her doctoral dissertation for the degree of Ph.d.:

Language and activity among children and adolescents with congenital blindness. An observation-based study.