A study of qualities of language interactions across contexts and conversational partners (Ph.D. Project)

The overall aim of this project is to examine the different language qualities that young children experience in interactions across contexts and communication partners. Knowledge about the variety of language input that children experience might contribute to our further understanding of how diverse experiences across early interactions together might shape children’s language development.

A toddler playing with toys watched over by a woman

Language experiences in the preschool years are predicting children`s language development. (Illustration: Colourbox)

About the project

To address this, the current project applies two methodological approaches:

  • A longitudinal and observational examination of parent-child interactions.  This part is based on a longitudinal observation study of parent-child interactions in a free play situation at child age 2 and 3 years from The Behavior Outlook Norwegian Developmental Study (BONDS) at The Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development (NUBU).
  •  A cross-contextual examination of teacher-child interactions, which is a study of teacher-child interactions in three different settings, collected for the purpose of learning more about how different environments might foster children`s language learning in the kindergarten years.


Main supervisor:

Imac Maria Zambrana, Associate Professor at the Department of Special Needs Education, University of Oslo


Veslemøy Rydland, Professor at the Department of Education, University of Oslo

Meredith L. Rowe, Associate Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education 

Published Apr. 13, 2018 9:47 AM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 10:18 AM


 Hanne Røe-Indregård, Doctoral Research Fellow