Celebrating a successful project year

(27 June 2023)

Following completion of intervention for our first cohort of 2nd graders and their final assessment phase, we enjoyed a Greek dinner on the terrace.

Image may contain: Smile, Glasses, Jeans, Sky, Facial expression.

from left: Ece Aybike Ala-Pettersen, Tone Sannerholt, Dzan Zelihic, Laoura Ziaka, Kristin Simonsen, Athanasios Protopapas (photo: Protopapas)

We are grateful to the participating schools and their devoted teachers, as well as the pupils who joined our project and their parents. Their contribution is important for increasing our understanding of reading development and how children who struggle can be supported.  In turn we hope to have contributed to a growth not only in reading fluency but also in positive attitude toward reading.

We are looking forward to the next school year, with new cohorts of 5th and 2nd graders, as well as more students and a new research assistant joining the project. 

In the meantime, we will all take a much needed break, and we wish everyone a great summer!



Published July 3, 2023 1:25 PM - Last modified July 3, 2023 1:25 PM