More creative hands on board!

(March - April, 2021)

To create attractive age-appropriate material for our interventions and testing we have recruited Bodil Vidnes-Kopperud to write passages for children and Georgios Magkakis to draw illustrations.

Bodil Vidnes-Kopperud is an author of children's books. She has also worked as an audiobook narrator and producer, and drama teacher. Bodil holds a degree in Speech and Language Therapy from the University of Oslo, Department of Special Needs Education. She currently works at the hospital school at Sunnaas Hospital.

Image may contain: Person, Forehead, Hair, Nose, Face.

                                                (photo: Vidnes-Kopperud)

By Angeliki Altani
Published Mar. 11, 2022 6:12 PM - Last modified Mar. 19, 2022 12:13 AM