Child Language and Learning Projects

The research projects conducted by the members of CLL are structured in a three part-study.

Part 1: Studies of individual differences in language development

The sub-studies are interrelated since the method and hypotheses are common across all sub-studies, while the sample characteristics vary in line with the group in question.

Part 2: Study of Interactions and Verbal Mediation in Kindergarten and School

To achieve a manageable amount of information, sample size will be restricted to 4-10 children in each group, sampled to achieve optimal within-group diversity. By thus aiming for large in-group variations while keeping strict between-group methodological coherence, we expect to shed light on a range of interesting developmental and educational issues. The focus here is on systematic in-depth studies of child-adult and child-peer interactions. For the purpose of scrutinizing the characteristics of dialogues that facilitate language development, we will build on developmental theory within child language and literacy research, in addition to socio cultural theory of mediated learning and related paradigms (Feuerstein 1980, 1981; Vygotsky, 1986).

Part 3: Intervention studies

Studies with experimental design and control groups.

Published Oct. 21, 2010 2:53 PM - Last modified May 6, 2024 9:23 AM


Project leader is professor Bente Hagtvet




Detailed list of participants