Children with Cochlear Implants - Part 2 (completed)

This project concerns mother- child interaction in videotaped predefined situations (book reading, meal conversation, play-situation).

Mother-child interaction in pre-defined dialogical situations

Ten three year old children with cochlear implants participate in this project. The purpose of the study is to describe characteristics of mother-child dialogues in cochlear implanted children. The videoes are analysed by means of the computer based programme, ”Childs”.

Responsible: Holme, Wie (supervisor), Kverner (co-supervisor).

Teacher-child interaction in learning situations in kindergarten

The main purpose is to describe the interactions between children with cochlear implant and their teachers in learning situations in kindergarten. Six children with cochlear implants participate in the study (followed from age 7mnd to 6 years). The goal is to describe special features of “good dialogues”, i.e. dialogues that seem to contribute to improvement in functional hearing and increased language comprehension. Results from the yearly language testing (Part 1) will be used as a basis for studying the interrelations between language skills as measured in tests and interactions in learning situations.

Responsible: Wie, Hagtvet.


Published Oct. 21, 2010 2:26 PM - Last modified Oct. 11, 2019 9:48 AM


Kjersti Roland Holme