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Development of theory of mind, language and cognitive skills in deaf and deafblind children with cochlear implant (PhD-project)

What could be beneficial in supporting the development of Theory of mind(ToM), language and cognitive skills in children with cochlear implantat (CI)?

Two boys having a conversation in the classroom.

Theory of mind is the ability to understand and take into account own and other people’s mental state such as beliefs, emotions and knowledge (Photo: Shane Colvin, UiO).

Theory of mind (ToM), language and cognitive skills are found to be related and often delayed in children with cochlear implantat (CI). Which aspects of early intervention could be beneficial in supporting their development?

About the project

The project focuses on investigating ToM, language and cognitive skills in early implanted 6 to 12 year old deaf children and deafblind children (Usher syndrome). To improve the development of these skills, early implantation and early intervention can be beneficial. Majority of deaf children in Norway receive CI early in their life. However, it is not well known how does the intervention look like for this population. That is why this project will further explore the intervention received before the age of six.


The project aims to:

  1. Compare ToM, cognitive and language skills in early implanted deaf and deafblind children (Usher syndrome) with CI to their hearing peers
  2. Investigate the relationship between ToM, cognitive and language skills
  3.  Examine the relation of ToM, cognitive and language skills to intervention deaf children have been included in


The project duration is from spring 2021 to autumn 2024.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 860755.



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Published Jan. 31, 2023 10:40 AM - Last modified Feb. 2, 2023 2:15 PM


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Bilde av Kristina Burum

Doctoral Research Fellow Kristina Burum



Project leader and co-supervisor: Björn Lyxell

Main supervisor: Simon Sundström

Co-supervisor: Astrid van Wieringen