EduCo in Oslo

As part of our project activities, EduCo team met in Oslo in November 2019. 

Image may contain: Architecture, Black-and-white, Stairs, Monochrome, Line.

First snow in Oslo.

The EduCo team of Hong Kong visited Oslo in November. In addition to senior members of the team, also two PhD students joined the visit, as part of the mobility activities of the project. As dark as it may get in November in Norway, we were lucky to get the first snow to light up the city a bit. 

Initially, we had planned to give a PhD course at UiO as part of the project activities, but as having not enough participants for the course, we needed to go for plan B. Therefore, the main event of the week was the EduCo seminar we organized: “Individual differences in learning, motivation, and well-being”. The seminar consisted of four talks related to the research themes of the team – stress regulation, individual differences in math learning, relations of executive functions and motivation in math learning – from early childhood to upper secondary education, presenting different research methods and interesting research findings from different countries.


Dr. Mari Nislin gave a talk about “Investigating children’s stress regulation and well-being in kindergarten and school contexts”.


Assoc. prof. Riikka Mononen talked about “Individual differences in early math development”.
Prof. Kerry Lee presented “The development of executive functioning and its relation to math performance”.
Prof. Markku Niemivirta explained “The developmental relationship between motivation and math performance”.

In addition to the seminar, the PhD students in the project presented their ongoing PhD-projects, and were given supervision by the senior team members. On one of the days we also visited a local kindergarten, which provides day care services for 1–5-year-old children. The kindergarten practices are quite different between Norway and Hong Kong, and this raised many questions and good discussions. 

Children sleeping outside, even in winter time, was a new experience for our visitors.

Thank you for your visit to Oslo, EduCo team of Hong Kong – let's continue the collaboration!



By Riikka Mononen, photos by Sisi Tao and Qi Huang
Published Nov. 17, 2019 9:47 PM - Last modified Nov. 17, 2019 10:04 PM