EduCo seminar

As part of its activities, EduCo project is organizing an open seminar on “Individual differences in learning, motivation, and well-being”, with a special focus on mathematics learning.

Image may contain: Blue, Pattern, Font, Turquoise, Design.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay.

Time: Tuesday 12.11. at 10:00-14:45

Place: Helga Engs hus, seminar room U35


The seminar day includes four talks and the schedule is planned so that you may participate for the whole seminar day, or just drop in to listen some of the talks.


10:00-10:05 Welcome

10:05–11:00 Senior Research Fellow Mari Nislin (University of Tampere, Finland): “Investigating children’s stress regulation and well-being in kindergarten and school contexts

11:00–12:00 Assoc. Prof. Riikka Mononen (UiO/ISP): “Individual differences in early math development”

12:00-12:30 Light lunch and coffee

12:30–13:30 Prof. Kerry Lee (The Education University of Hong Kong): “The development of executive functioning and its relation to math performance”

13:30–14:30 Prof. Markku Niemivirta (Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius and University of Helsinki, Finland): “The developmental relationship between motivation and math performance” 

14:30-14:45 Ending of seminar


The seminar is part of the EduCo project “Establishing higher education collaboration in educational psychology between Norway and Hong Kong”, funded by DIKU, and in collaboration between the Department of Special Needs Education, UiO and the Department of Early Childhood Education, the Education University of Hong Kong.


For light lunch serving, please register here for the seminar by Nov 7th.




Published Oct. 29, 2019 2:46 PM - Last modified June 24, 2022 1:06 PM