News and events


22.05.24. EQOP PI Henrik Daae Zachrisson and Greg Duncan, Distinguished professor at University of California Irvine, will give keynotes at a closed workshop for the OECD ECEC network: “Long-term equity and inclusion in early childhood education and care”

16.04.2024: Henrik Daae Zachrisson participates in a panel at Boston College on the topic Helping Children Thrive in an Age of Uncertainty

05.04.2024: EQOP PI Henrik Daae Zachrisson interviewed about consequences of lower participation rates in ECEC in more disadvantaged areas in Oslo

17.11.23 & 21.11.23. EQOP team member Nina Drange talks about improving opportunities for children in low income families for municipalities in the county of Vestfold and Telemark and at the annual conference for the Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development.

05.11.23: Henrik Zachrisson er intervjuet nede i saken: Fattigdom går i arv. Forskerne mener de vet hva som kan bryte sirkelen. (in Norwegian)

24.10.23: Henrik Zachrisson er med på enda en kronikk, i anledning rapporten fra «Ekspertgruppa om barn i fattige familier» - denne gangen i NHH Bulletin: BARNETRYGDEN BØR ØKES – OG SKATTLEGGES (in Norwegian)

23.10.23: Henrik Zachrisson og de andre medlemmene i «Ekspertgruppa om barn i fattige familier» har ett nytt innlegg i Dagens Næringsliv: «Dyrt og urealistisk å bekjempe fattigdom med økt barnetrygd – uten å skattlegge den» (in Norwegian)

17.10.23: Henrik Daae Zachrisson and Nina Drange have been members of the government appointed expert group on eliviating  consequences of childhood poverty. The report was given to the Minister of Child and Family Affairs, Kjersti Toppe, by the head of the expert group, Mari Rege. You can read a summary of the recommendations here (in Norwegian).

29.09.23: Henrik Daae Zachrisson presents at the meeting of the Society for research on Educational Effectiveness: Are There Adverse Sleeper-Effects of Universal Early Education on Behavior in Third Grade?

15.08.23: EQOP member Astrid Sandsør in UiOs podcast about why school is unable to level out differences between children

15-16.06.23: Nicolai Borgen presents at Genetics and Social Science Conference, Oslo, For whom neighborhoods matter: Heterogeneous effects of neighborhood on child achievement. Borgen, Zachrisson, Cheesman, Lyngstad, Ystrøm. Astrid Sandsør is discussant at the conference.

15.06.23 EQOP PI Henrik Daae Zachrisson talks about educational equality at the Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters (with comments from EQOP team members Torkild Lyngstad and Nina Drange)—In Norwegian

24-26.05.23. Nicolai Borgen presents at International Sociological Association, Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification and Mobility, Paris, Conference presentation: Schools Equalizing or Exacerbating Inequality? Between-School Variation in the SES-Achievement Association — Nicolai Topstad Borgen, Astrid Sandsør, and Henrik Daae Zachrisson

01.05.23 EQOP Barn fra fattige familier ligger to og et halvt år etter barn fra rike familier på skolen

28.03.23 The EQOP team gives a seminar at Boston College Lynch School of Education, Mary E Walsh Center on Thriving Children and Youths (Hosted by Eric Dearing)

23-25.03.23 The EQOP team presents at the SRCD biannual conference in Salt Lake City, UT

17.01.23 EQOP team member Astrid Sandsør is appointed by the Norwegian Government to be part on the expert group on social inequality in education 

08.12.22 EQOP PI Henrik Daae Zachrisson talks about developmental pathways to exclusion at a Research Council of Norway research breakfast meeting—in Norwegian

EQOP Researcher Astrid Marie Jorde Sandsør is appointed member of the Ministry of Education’s expert group on preventing social inequality in education

EQOP PI Zachrisson participates in podcast about his important research studying the outcome of children who spend long days in daycare

EQOP PI Henrik Daae Zachrisson is appointed member of the government’s expert group, which will give advice on how to reduce consequences of child poverty

EQOP-researchers on the national morning news 

EQOP on Brookings

  • On Thursday Nov 3, EQOP PI Henrik Daae Zachrisson and colleagues published a summary of resent research on, arguing for the benefits of funding early education. The piece was timely, as the US Congress is about to vote on Biden’s infrastructure bill in the coming days, a bill that will expand funding of preschool. 

EQOP PI Zachrisson talked about educational inequality—and how ECEC can mitigate it—at a public event celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Faculty of Educational Sciences at UiO. The mayor of Oslo was present and provided comments.

EQOP PI Zachrisson participates in podcast about consequences of childhood poverty and the role of early education in mitigating these (in Norwegian)

EQOP PI Zachrisson talks about growing up in a low income family at a seminar where the NGO «Voksne for barn» lanuches their new report about exclusion among adolecents. He also participates in a panel discussion with the mayor of Oslo, Marianne Borgen (in Norwegian)
EQOP participates at the biennial meeting of the Society for Research on Child Development (SRCD)

EQOP PI Zachrisson participates in podcast about consequences of poverty for schooling in Norway, and is also interviewed about this topic (both in Norwegian).

EQOP researcher Sandsør is interviewed about her research (in Norwegian) 

EQOP researchers Borgen and Sandsør had a talk at a seminar about their research at The Research Council of Norway (in Norwegian)

EQOP PI Zachrisson is interviewed about his research (in Norwegian)



Inequality, Opportunity, and Child Development Colloquium Series: 

  • 2019: EQOP PI Henrik Daae Zachrisson spends the academic year of 2019-2020 as visiting Fulbright Professor at Boston College to launch the EQOP project. Together with EQOP investigator, Professor Eric Dearing of Boston College and University of Oslo, he is organizing a colloquium series at the Lynch School of Education and Human Development. Time and place: Oct. 24, 2019 12:00 PM–1:00 PM, McGuinn 030, Lynch School of Education and Human Development, Boston College, USA.
  • 2019: Henrik Daae Zachrisson, Professor, University of Oslo and visiting Fulbright Professor, Boston College:"The Consequences of Universal Early Education and Care for Young Children’s Development".Time and place: Nov 14, 2019 12-1pm, Campion 139.

  • 2019: 12-1Jessica Young, Research Scientist & Kristen Reed, Senior Project Director, Education Development Center. Time and place: Dec 12, 2019 12-1pm, Campion 139.

  • 2020: Todd Rogers, Professor of Public Policy, Harvard Kennedy School "Social Psychological Interventions that Increase Student Success by Mobilizing Families, at Scale."    Ann Easterbrooks, Professor, Eliot-Pearson Department of Child Study and Human Development, Tufts University
  • 2020: Daniel Berry, Associate Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota